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Salve, ho un problema nell'installare il plugin Matomo: su altri hosting funziona quindi presumo che sia problema di Altervista.
Mi riporta il seguente errore:
Installazione fallita: <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <!--<![endif]--> miosito.altervista.org | 524: A timeout occurred A timeout occurred Error code 524 Visit cloudflare.com for more information. 2022-09-29 19:16:58 UTC You Browser Working Milan Cloudflare Working miosito.altervista.org Host Error What happened? The origin web server timed out responding to this request. What can I do? If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes. If you're the owner of this website: The connection to the origin web server was made, but the origin web server timed out before responding. The likely cause is an overloaded background task, database or application, stressing the resources on your web server. To resolve, please work with your hosting provider or web development team to free up resources for your database or overloaded application. Additional troubleshooting information here. Cloudflare Ray ID: 75270bfef9a83745 • Your IP: 000000& security by Cloudflare (function(){function d(){var b=a.getElementById("cf-footer-item-ip"),c=a.getElementById("cf-footer-ip-reveal");b&&"classList"in b&&(b.classList.remove("hidden"),c.addEventListene r("click",function(){c.classList.add("hidden");a.g etElementById("cf-footer-ip").classList.remove("hidden")}))}var a=document;document.addEventListener&&a.addEventLi stener("DOMContentLoaded",d)})(); <!-- /.error-footer -->
Credo che sia un problema di curl, ma non saprei come risolvere, grazie