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Discussione: aumentare php per importare demo data

  1. #1

    Predefinito aumentare php per importare demo data

    salve, mi hanno suggerito di aumentare la potenza o versione php, in quanto sembra che non riesce ad importare, l'errore è:
    Problem(s) that occurred during the import process:
    Error load data from the file ''. Please, try again!

    Error load data from the file ''. Please, try again!

    Error load data from the file ''. Please, try again!

    Error load data from the file ''. Please, try again!
    nelle istruzioni del template dice:
    Theme Requirements
    To use this theme you must be running at least WordPress 4.5, PHP 5.6.20 or higher. If you use low-end hosting with limited resources (e.g. GoDaddy!), you may experience issues with "one-click" demo data installation feature.
    We recommend that you contact your web hosting service provider to make sure that your server PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    max_execution_time 600

    memory_limit 128M

    post_max_size 32M

    upload_max_filesize 32M

    If you are running unmanaged dedicated server or VPS, you should check your php.ini file. Alternatively, you can edit .htaccess file in the root of your website and add the following values:

    php_value max_execution_time 600

    php_value memory_limit 128M

    php_value post_max_size 32M

    php_value upload_max_filesize 32M

    Setting these values will ensure you will not get error messages during the installation. To safeguard your website, please use secure passwords and the latest version of WordPress and plugins.

    può essere quello il problema? grazie a chi mi sa rispondere sono alle prime armi con wordpress

  2. #2
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