modulo wp lister ebay
quando cerco di associare il mio account Ebay al sito ecco cosa mi appare
Problem connecting to eBay
WP-Lister can't seem to establish a connection to eBay's servers. This could be caused by a firewall blocking cURL from accessing unkown ip addresses.
Only your hosting company can sort out the problems causing cURL not to connect properly. Your hosting company's server administrator should be able to resolve the permission problems preventing cURL from working. They've probably got overly limiting restrictions configured on the server, preventing it from being able to do the communication required for listing items on eBay.
debug output:
EbatNs_ResponseError Object
[Timestamp:protected] =>
[Ack:protected] => Failure
[CorrelationID:protected] =>
[Errors:protected] => Array
[0] => ErrorType Object
[ShortMessage:protected] =>
[LongMessage:protected] => curl_error 56 Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT
[ErrorCode:protected] => 80001
[UserDisplayHint:protected] =>
[SeverityCode:protected] => EBAT_SEVERITY_ERROR
[ErrorParameters:protected] =>
[ErrorClassification:protected] => SystemError
[Message:protected] =>
[Version:protected] =>
[Build:protected] =>
[NotificationEventName:protected] =>
[DuplicateInvocationDetails:protected] =>
[RecipientUserID:protected] =>
[EIASToken:protected] =>
[NotificationSignature:protected] =>
[HardExpirationWarning:protected] =>
[BotBlock:protected] =>
[ExternalUserData:protected] =>
[_dataInValueArray:protected] =>
[_typeName:protected] => AbstractResponseType
[_ns:protected] =>
[_nsURI:protected] => urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents
[_isArrayType:protected] =>
[_attributes] => Array
[attributeValues] =>
[value:protected] =>
GetSessionIDRequestType Object
[RuName:protected] => LWS_Werbung_Gmb-LWSWerbu-6147-4-ywstl
[DetailLevel:protected] =>
[ErrorLanguage:protected] =>
[MessageID:protected] =>
[Version:protected] => 1045
[EndUserIP:protected] =>
[ErrorHandling:protected] =>
[InvocationID:protected] =>
[OutputSelector:protected] =>
[WarningLevel:protected] =>
[BotBlock:protected] =>
[_dataInValueArray:protected] =>
[_typeName:protected] => AbstractRequestType
[_ns:protected] =>
[_nsURI:protected] => urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents
[_isArrayType:protected] =>
[_attributes] => Array
[attributeValues] =>
[value:protected] =>
mi hanno spiegato che queso lo puo risolvere solo chi mi fornisce l'hosting per cui dovrese aabilitare il mio IP
Hai abilitato le connessioni server to server ?
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