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Discussione: My htaccess does'nt work! Error 500

  1. #1
    tiikeriluola non è connesso Utente AlterBlog
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    Exclamation My htaccess does'nt work! Error 500

    Please help, my htaccess does'nt work. With other browser it only loading and then error, and with other browser it does'nt let me save. It seems the hole htaccess is stuck. What can i do?

    My php and html pages says this:
    An error occurred.
    If the problem persists, probably the application you use does not work correctly, because someone is working on it, or because there is a problem in the application. In the latter case contact us.
    Ultima modifica di tiikeriluola : 17-10-2021 alle ore 18.46.18

  2. #2
    L'avatar di alemoppo
    alemoppo non è connesso Staff AV
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    Are you using the Altervista WordPress ? Or what CMS/Script are you running?
    • If you are using the Altervista Wordpress, did you tried to repair the blog?
    • Does your script/cms make requests to external sites?

    (The english forum is here).

    Ultima modifica di alemoppo : 17-10-2021 alle ore 18.58.46

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