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Discussione: Problema con DreamWeaver MX

  1. #1


    Appena apro il fatidico programma mi dà questo errore:

    The following translators where not loaded due to errors:
    The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:

    At line 16 of file "D:\Programmi\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX\Configuration\Translators\Server Model SSI.htm
    TypeError: dw.getThirdPartyNonEmptyScriptModelTags is not a function
    Cito qui il sorgente della suddetta pagina:
    <!-- Copyright 2001 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. -->
    <title>Server Model SSI Translator</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=">
    <script language="JavaScript" src="../Shared/MM/Scripts/Class/FileClass.js"></script>

    <script language="JavaScript">

    var debugTranslator = false;

    // We don't want to translate if we inside a <style>, <script>
    // or third-party, non-empty script-model tag. Initialize
    // an array of tag names to "ignore". Do it here so it only
    // happens once.
    var ignoreTagArray = dw.getThirdPartyNonEmptyScriptModelTags();

    function translateMarkup( docNameStr, siteRootStr, inStr )
    if (inStr.length == 0)
    return "";

    var outStr = "";
    var macBeforeFileName = "Desktop:BeforeTranslation.txt";
    var macAfterFileName = "Desktop:AfterTranslation.txt";
    var winBeforeFileName = "C:\\BeforeTranslation.txt";
    var winAfterFileName = "C:\\AfterTranslation.txt";
    var patternFound = false;
    var showContents = dw.getTranslateServerSideIncludes();
    var ssiIcon = "";

    if ( debugTranslator )
    DWfile.write((("macos" == DWfile.getPlatform()) ? macBeforeFileName : winBeforeFileName), inStr);

    // Get parameters
    var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
    var includeArray = new Array();
    var obj;

    // The ServerModel object used to be null when no Server Model was defined,
    // but now it seems to be an empty object, so check for both to be safe
    var sm = (dom == null) ? null : dom.serverModel;
    if (dom == null || sm == null || sm.getFolderName() == "")
    // Do a straight search to see if we even have anything that looks
    // like an include statement before doing the whole heavy regexp search.
    if ( != (-1))
    // Handle Apache-style includes in files with no Server Model
    obj = new Object();
    obj.pattern = "/<!--\\s*#include\\s+(file|virtual)\\s*=\\s*&#9 1;\"|']([^\"^']*)&#9 1;\"|']\\s*-->/im";
    obj.fileRef = 2;
    obj.type = "ssi_comment";
    obj.enabled = true;
    return "";
    var masterArray = sm.getServerIncludeUrlPatterns();
    if (masterArray.length == 0)
    return "";

    // Copy array items so we can manipulate local copy
    for (i=0; i < masterArray.length; i++)
    obj = new Object();
    obj.pattern = masterArray[i].pattern;
    obj.fileRef = masterArray[i].fileRef;
    obj.type = masterArray[i].type;
    obj.enabled = true;

    // Add patterns to array to match sections of
    // page that we do not want to translate

    if (sm.getServerName() == "Cold Fusion")
    // CRITCAL: do not try to subsume CF comments into the HTML comment pattern.
    // We want to be able to handle this:
    // <!---
    // <!-- #include file="foo.cfm" -->
    // --->
    // In this example we do not want to include foo.cfm. We can only accomplish
    // that by making a very precise CF comment pattern.

    if (inStr.indexOf("<!--") != -1)
    obj = new Object();
    obj.pattern = "/<!---[\\s\\S]*?--->/im"; // CF comments
    obj.fileRef = -1;
    obj.type = "";
    obj.enabled = true;

    // Add patterns to array to match sections of
    // page that we do not want to translate

    if (inStr.indexOf("<%--") != -1)
    obj = new Object();
    obj.pattern = "/<%--[\\s\\S]*?--%>/im"; // html comments
    obj.fileRef = -1;
    obj.type = "";
    obj.enabled = true;

    if (inStr.indexOf("MM:BeginLock&quot ;) != -1)
    obj = new Object();
    obj.pattern = "/<MM:BeginLock.*?<MM:EndLock>/im"; // locked regions
    obj.fileRef = -1;
    obj.type = "";
    obj.enabled = true;

    var result;
    var remainingInStr = inStr;

    // We can run into problems when outline IDs are reused. This
    // page might gain other sorts of tabbed outlines when it passes
    // through the appropriate server model translator, so we'll start
    // counting a little higher to avoid collisions
    var outlineCount = 500;

    for (i=0; i < includeArray.length; i++)
    includeArray[i].re = eval(includeArray[i].pattern);

    // Translate contents of page
    while ((result = ExecRegExpArray(includeArray, remainingInStr)) != null)
    // Add text up to match
    outStr += remainingInStr.substr(0, result.index);

    if (result.fileReference >= 0)
    var translate = false;

    // If we're inside a tag, don't translate this SSI.

    var leftIndex = outStr.lastIndexOf("<");
    var rightIndex = outStr.lastIndexOf(">");

    translate = (leftIndex <= rightIndex);

    if (false) //translate)
    // We don't want to translate if we're inside a <style>, <script>
    // or third-party, non-empty script-model tag

    var lowerStr = outStr.toLowerCase();

    for (i = 0; i < ignoreTagArray.length; i++)
    var tagName = ignoreTagArray[i].toLowerCase();

    // Don't include the greater-than in the opening
    // tag because some tags might have attributes.

    var openTag = "<" + tagName;
    var closeTag = "</" + tagName + ">";

    leftIndex = lowerStr.lastIndexOf(openTag);
    rightIndex = lowerStr.lastIndexOf(closeTag);

    translate = (leftIndex <= rightIndex);

    if (!translate)

    if (!translate)
    outStr += result[0];
    else if (showContents)
    var fileContents = "";
    var ssi;

    // Try to open file. Substring index stored in result.fileReference
    ssi = new File(result[result.fileReference], docNameStr);
    if (ssi.exists())
    fileContents = ssi.getContents();
    if (fileContents.length <= 0)
    fileContents = " ";

    // Do not translate include files with Template markup
    if (!HasTemplateMarkup(fileContents, result[result.fileReference]))
    // Do translation
    outStr += '<MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SSI" type="' +
    result.type + '" orig="' + encode(result[0]) +
    '" fileRef="' + result[result.fileReference] +
    '" depFiles="' + ssi.getAbsolutePath() +
    '">' + fileContents + '<MM:EndLock>';
    outStr += result[0];
    else //don't do the translation, just return the original string
    outStr += result[0];

    // Build reusable icon string
    if (ssiIcon.length == 0)
    var serverName = (sm) ? sm.getServerName() : "";
    if (serverName == "")
    serverName = "ASP";
    else if (serverName == "Cold Fusion")
    serverName = "ColdFusion";
    ssiIcon = "<img src=\"" + dw.getConfigurationPath() + "/ThirdPartyTags/" + serverName + ".gif\">";

    outStr += '<MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SSI" type="' +
    result.type + '" orig="' + encode(result[0]) +
    '" fileRef="' + result[result.fileReference] +
    '">' + ssiIcon + '<MM:EndLock>';

    // nothing to translate
    outStr += result[0];

    // Re-search text following match
    remainingInStr = remainingInStr.substr(result.index + result[0].length);

    // Remember that at least one translation was performed
    patternFound = true;

    outStr += remainingInStr;

    if ( debugTranslator )
    DWfile.write((("macos" == DWfile.getPlatform()) ? macAfterFileName : winAfterFileName), outStr);

    // If no translations were performed, return empty string
    return patternFound ? outStr : "";
    } // translateMarkup

    // Temp fix to prevent Template markup from being displayed as include file content.
    // The problem is that include file content should be read-only, but the Template
    // engine does not realize it is inside a Lock tag, so crash can occur

    function HasTemplateMarkup(contents, filename)
    // Template filenames have the form "[name].dwt" or "[name].dwt.[ext]"
    if (\.dwt($|\.)/i) != (-1))
    return true;

    if ( != (-1))
    return true;

    return false;

    // ExecRegExpArray()
    // Run .exec() against the string for all elements of RegExp array and
    // return the result that has the lowest index (i.e. sequentially next)

    function ExecRegExpArray(incla, str)
    var nextResult = null;

    for (i=0; i < incla.length; i++)
    if (incla[i].enabled == false)

    var result = incla[i].re.exec(str);
    if (result != null)
    if ((nextResult == null ||
    result.index < nextResult.index))
    nextResult = result;
    nextResult.fileReference = incla[i].fileRef;
    nextResult.type = incla[i].type;
    // Pattern not found, so remove it from list
    incla[i].enabled = false;

    return nextResult;

    function encode(stmt)
    // Can't use replace method recursively, so URL-encode
    // the percent characters manually
    var index = stmt.indexOf("%");
    while (index != -1)
    stmt = stmt.substring(0, index) + "%25" + stmt.substring(index+1);
    index = stmt.indexOf("%", index+1);

    // URL encode quote character
    var index = stmt.indexOf("\"");
    while (index != -1)
    stmt = stmt.substring(0, index) + "%22" + stmt.substring(index+1);
    index = stmt.indexOf("\"");

    // URL encode "<" character
    index = stmt.indexOf("<");
    while (index != -1)
    stmt = stmt.substring(0, index) + "%3C" + stmt.substring(index+1);
    index = stmt.indexOf("<");

    // URL encode ">" character
    index = stmt.indexOf(">");
    while (index != -1)
    stmt = stmt.substring(0, index) + "%3E" + stmt.substring(index+1);
    index = stmt.indexOf(">");

    return stmt;

    function getTranslatorInfo()
    returnArray = new Array(7)

    returnArray[0] = "MM_SSI"; // The translatorClass
    returnArray[1] = "Server Model SSI"; // The title
    returnArray[2] = "0"; // The number of extensions. 0 indicates to run against all extensions
    returnArray[3] = "1"; // The number of expressions
    returnArray[4] = "include"; // Run on files with this text
    returnArray[5] = "allFiles"; // Run against all files
    returnArray[6] = "10"; // Priority: Give a high priority (low number) to run this translator before most others

    return returnArray


    Vi prego aiutatemi!!!!

  2. #2


    Uso anche io DW ma non mi ha mai dato questo tipo di problema..

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Dodi
    Dodi non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione

  4. #4


    Il mio file è diverso.
    Vuoi che te lo passi?
    Magari basta quello... anche se un motivo sicuramente c'e'. Hai lavorato con le IIS di windows? O con siti cmq dinamici?
    Dreamweaver è ottimo, ma a volte cerca di fare troppe cose di per sé...
    Ma reinstallare è la mossa migliore indubbiamente, ma se hai bisogno no problem.

  5. #5


    Inviamelo via e-mail, grazie in anticipo!
    Il re-install non funzia!
    DWMX + M$ = Non lo dico neanche!
    Chissà perchè sul mac funzia!

  6. #6


    io ho lo stesso problema quando cerco di utilizzare dreamweaver per realizzare o modificare un sito interattivo con php che cosa può essere successo?

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