Non mi pare ci voglia moltissimo per copiare il codice.
Lui crea una serie di div uno dentro all'altro, perche' ha piu' di un menu' a scomparsa, ecco il codice:
Codice HTML:
<div id="linkList">
<div id="linkList2">
<div id="lselect">
<h3 class="select"><span>Select a Design:</span></h3>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/106/106.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: a" accesskey="a">Mediterranean</a> by <a href="" class="c">John Whittet</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/105/105.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: b" accesskey="b">Austrian’s Dark Side</a> by <a href="" class="c">Rene Grassegger</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/104/104.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: c" accesskey="c">Invitation</a> by <a href="" class="c">Brad Daily</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/103/103.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: d" accesskey="d">Odyssey</a> by <a href="" class="c">Terrence Conley</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/102/102.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: e" accesskey="e">Revolution!</a> by <a href="" class="c">David Hellsing</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/101/101.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: f" accesskey="f">punkass</a> by <a href="" class="c">Mikhel Proulx</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/100/100.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: g" accesskey="g">15 Petals</a> by <a href="" class="c">Eric Meyer & Dave Shea</a></li>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/099/099.css&page=0" title="AccessKey: h" accesskey="h">Wiggles the Wonderworm</a> by <a href="" class="c">Joseph Pearson</a></li>
<div id="larchives">
<h3 class="archives"><span>Archives:</span></h3>
<li><a href="?cssfile=/057/057.css&page=1" title="View next set of designs. AccessKey: n" accesskey="n"><span class="accesskey">n</span>ext designs »</a></li>
<li><a href="" title="View every submission to the Zen Garden. AccessKey: w" accesskey="w">Vie<span class="accesskey">w</span> All Designs</a></li>
<div id="lresources">
<h3 class="resources"><span>Resources:</span></h3>
<li><a href="/057/057.css" title="View the source CSS file for the currently-viewed design, AccessKey: v" accesskey="v"><span class="accesskey">V</span>iew This Design’s <acronym title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</acronym></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Links to great sites with information on using CSS. AccessKey: r" accesskey="r"><acronym title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</acronym> <span class="accesskey">R</span>esources</a></li>
<li><a href="" title="A list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Zen Garden. AccessKey: q" accesskey="q"><acronym title="Frequently Asked Questions">FA<span class="accesskey">Q</span></acronym></a></li>
<li><a href="" title="Send in your own CSS file. AccessKey: s" accesskey="s"><span class="accesskey">S</span>ubmit a Design</a></li>
<li><a href="" title="View translated versions of this page. AccessKey: t" accesskey="t"><span class="accesskey">T</span>ranslations</a></li>
Nel CSS imposta le varie proprieta' in questo modo:
#lselect { position: absolute; top: 324px; left: 105px; }
#lresources { position: absolute; top: 714px; left: 105px; }
#larchives { position: absolute; top: 902px; left: 105px; }
#lfavorites { position: absolute; top: 1030px; left: 105px; }
div[id="lselect"] { top: 292px !important; left: 105px !important; background: url(button_select_design.gif) no-repeat; width: 149px; height: 37px; z-index: 300; }
div[id="lresources"] { top: 358px !important; left: 105px !important; background: url(button_resources.gif) no-repeat; width: 149px; height: 37px; z-index: 200; }
div[id="lfavorites"] { top: 443px !important; left: 105px !important; background: url(button_favorites.gif) no-repeat; width: 149px; height: 37px; z-index: 150; }
#lselect h3,
#lresources h3,
#larchives h3,
#lfavorites h3 {
position: absolute; top: -28px; left: 0px;
background: url(bg_menu_thin_top.gif) no-repeat;
width: 149px; height: 28px; line-height: 28px;
padding-top: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 18px;
color: #333;
font-family: "Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",geneva,arial,verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
div[id="lfavorites"]>h3 { top: -1000px !important; left: -1000px !important; width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; overflow: hidden !important; }
#lselect:hover h3,
#lresources:hover h3,
#lfavorites:hover h3 { position: absolute; top: 5px !important; left: 5px !important; background: url(bg_menu_top.png) no-repeat; width: 203px !important; height: 0px !important; padding-top: 5px; margin: 0; }
#lselect ul,
#lresources ul,
#larchives ul,
#lfavorites ul {
background: url(bg_menu_thin.gif) left bottom no-repeat;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 5px;
list-style: none;
voice-family: "\"}\"";
width: 149px;
div[id="lfavorites"]>ul { position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; width: 203px !important; background: url(bg_menu.png) left bottom no-repeat !important; }
#lselect:hover ul,
#lresources:hover ul,
#lfavorites:hover ul { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 5px; }
#lselect li,
#lresources li,
#larchives li,
#lfavorites li {
font-size: 9px;
color: #8B8C8C;
background: url(bg_menu_separator_thin.gif) no-repeat;
padding: 8px 18px;
@media tty { /* Mid pass to square away some IE 5 PC hinkyness. */
i{content:"\";/*" "*/}} #lselect li,#lresources li,#larchives li,#lfavorites li { width: 149px; padding: 6px 18px; } /*";}
}/* */
div[id="lfavorites"]>ul>li { background: url(bg_menu_separator.png) no-repeat !important; }
div[id="lresources"]>ul>li:first-child ,
div[id="lfavorites"]>ul>li:first-child { padding-top: 5px; background: url(o.gif) no-repeat !important; }
#lselect li:hover,
#lresources li:hover,
#lfavorites li:hover { background: url(bg_menu_over.png) no-repeat !important; }
div[id="larchives"] { position: absolute; top: 400px !important; left: 100px !important; background: url(well_design_archives.gif) 5px 0px no-repeat; width: 164px !important; height: 44px; z-index: 100; }
div[id="larchives"]>ul, div[id="larchives"]>ul>li { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; background: url(o.gif) no-repeat !important; }
#larchives a[accesskey="n"] { background: url(button_next.gif) no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 14px; left: 50px; width: 45px; height: 0px; padding-top: 21px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1; }
#larchives a[accesskey="p"] { background: url(button_prev.gif) no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 14px; left: 7px; width: 44px; height: 0px; padding-top: 21px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 2; }
#larchives a[accesskey="w"] { background: url(button_view_all.gif) no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 14px; left: 99px; width: 53px; height: 0px; padding-top: 21px; overflow: hidden; }
#larchives a[accesskey="n"]:hover { background: url(button_next_over.gif) no-repeat; }
#larchives a[accesskey="p"]:hover { background: url(button_prev_over.gif) no-repeat; }
#larchives a[accesskey="w"]:hover { background: url(button_view_all_over.gif) no-repeat; }
#lselect a,
#lfavorites a { display: block; }
#lselect a.c,
#lfavorites a.c { display:inline; font-size: 9px; text-transform: lowercase; }
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#linkList a,
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#linkList a.c,
#linkList a.c:link,
#linkList a.c:visited { color: #8B8C8C;}
#linkList a.c:hover { color: #A51A0A; }
Ora non ho sinceramente tempo, ma credo che il css si possa semplificare moltissimo.
Bisognerebbe vedere quali trucchi ha usato (mi pare ce ne siano almeno due) perche' quelli magari vanno lasciati.
In caso di buio totale: chiedete al mitico sugandbibi