- To work correctly, the function refresh the counters need MySQL version 4.1 or later.
- The option is realised by inclusion of the added access right to forums. When you install MOD the permission added to the role of Standard access. (If you want to set other preferences: Goto ACP - Permissions and select forums where you wish to resolve the right "Can thanks for posts" and resolve it in TAB Misc).
- The choice of reception of notices on thanks (PM and email) in UCP - Board preferences.
- The setting options and upgrade of counters after mass removal of post/topic/users - in ACP - Tab .MODS - Thanks for post.
- To view a list of thanks need to allow the global user permission - "Can view list of thanks" in TAB Misc. When you install MOD the permission added to the role of Standard features and group Registered users.
- To view a toplist need to allow the global user permission - "Can view toplist" in TAB Misc. When you install MOD the permission added to the role of Standard features and group Registered users.
- To enable clear a list Thanks need to allow the global moderators permission - "Can clear the list thanks" in TAB Misc. When you install MOD the permission added to the role of Full Moderator and group Global moderators.
- In the contrib folder you can find files reput_star_.psd and thanks.psd to develop their own images to your style.