Volevo installare lo script tiki ( http://tikiwiki.sourceforge.net/) ma non sembra che funziona.
Questa è la documentazione:
Questi sono i requisiti richiesti:
PHP 4.1+ (Tiki won’t work with older versions of PHP)
You don’t need any specific PHP extension to install Tiki but GD is recommended and will be used if you have it.
If you want to use uploads (files, images) make sure uploads are enabled on the php.ini configuration.
Tiki uses sessions (a common mechanism in PHP4) make sure the the path where PHP stores sessions (php.ini) exists and that PHP can write to that path.
It is highly recommended to increase the maximum memory size for PHP scripts from 8Mb to 16Mb in your php.ini configuration file.
A MySQL database (support for other databases is included but we don’t provide the .sql script to generate the base yet)
A webserver that can run PHP. Apache is strongly recommended but other webservers may work as well.
Volevo sapere se può funzionare su altervista e se qualcuno l'ha gia installato se mi puo dare qualche suggerimento.