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Discussione: dati msql

  1. #1

    Predefinito dati msql

    allora quando apro

    esce questo

    Your Server Environment
    This section requires you to enter the paths and URL's for the board.
    The script URL
    This is the URL (must start with http://) to the directory that this script is in

    Your SQL Environment
    This section requires you to enter your SQL information. If in doubt, please check with your webhost before asking for support. You may choose to enter an existing database name,if not - you must create a new database before continuing.
    SQL Host
    (localhost is usually sufficient)
    SQL Database Name
    SQL Username
    SQL Password
    SQL Table Prefix(You can leave this blank)

    Your Admin Account
    This section requires information to create your administration account. Please enter the data carefully!
    Retype your password
    Email Address

    qualcuno mi sa dire dovo posso prendere questi dati

  2. #2
    L'avatar di makpaolo
    makpaolo non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione
    Brescia ( prov.)


    trovi varie info e link, inoltre è in rilievo proprio in questa sezione.
    Se smetti di imparare e evolverti sei morto dentro

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