che pizza, ho caricato sul sito il fud forum, mi hanno detto che è un ottimo forum ma il problema è il seguente quando vado ad installarlo:
Your PHP has SAFE MODE enabled. Pay careful attention to the intructions below:
Due to the brain dead nature of PHP's safemode we can not install the forum in a directory created by you. Therefor you must install the forum into a directory, which does not yet exist, so that the install script can be the one to create it and thus bypass the safe_mode checks.
For example, if you wanted to install your forum to "/my/home/dir/www/forum", you will need to make sure that "/my/home/dir/www/forum" does not exist and that the file permissions of "/my/home/dir/www" allow install script to create "forum" directory inside "/my/home/dir/www".
Server Root
The path on the server where the browseable files of the forum (*.php) will be stored. Install script failed to create "/membri/". Create it manually and chmod it 777 or make it's user/group same as the web-server
cambio il chmod ma mi dice che su altervista è inutile cambiare i permessi. Ho provatp in tutti i modi ma non riesco qualcuno sa darmi una mano???