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What are the ACs (AlterCents) and as you/they can be earned?
The AlterCent (AC) it is the coin of AlterVista, it deals with a purely virtual coin and it is tied up to your activities inside the community.
When a member enrolls him it receives, further to an European also one bonus of 5,16 determined figure in AC, this figure can be increased participating in the sponsorship, to the initiatives managed from the community or from the members, to the classification Top 100 sites web (monthly), collaborating with the staff and very other.
For instance:
1. if you decide to insert one or more advertising circuits in your site, visitors' traffic toward the sites sponsor, further to a salary in European, it will also give you a certain number of AC, for further information on the terms and on the conditions laws well the rule that finds in the page of registration.
2. if you participate to one of the initiatives it promoted from the community, that finds note in the sector "initiatives" of the forum, you can be winning with a number of AC in relationship to the type of initiative.
3. contributing to the development of the community, you/he/she can happen that I/you/he/she am necessary to test one or more services, and in this case the help of the members is precious.
4. participating in the Top 100 monthly, a classification that rewards the sites more visited and voted of the community. You/they are distributed in fact monthly special prizes in AC to the first 20 classified (up to 1000 ACs) and a prize of consolation (100 ACs) to the first 100, the classification is worded in base to the score gotten calculated as X votes 20 + visits.
5. changing virtual checks: whoever didn't feel time or like sticking to the initiatives above you list or it was found to have to transfer sites web particularly frequented that they need a lot of resources from you/he/she immediately can use of this system to give him from immediately the quantity of AlterCents of which it has need.
Can I convert the European ones in AC?
Yes, it is possible, you can convert the European ones accumulated with the advertising countries once reached the quota in which it is possible to ask the sale to half merit or I.
What am I/you/they you assign him virtual? How do you/they work?
Assign him virtual they allow you to directly purchase the quota of AlterCents of which you have need, it deals with a system prepared in collaboration with Studentimediagroup.
To give him a virtual check is simple, it will be enough for you to call a telephone number to fixed tariffazione to get from an autorisponditore a numerical code, that will be note your virtual check.
Two different types of check exist only valid number from the italia:
1. from 1.500 ACs for which you will have to call the number 899543200 (cost of the call 3 European + iva, independent from the time)
2. from 3.000 ACs for which you will have to call the number 899141447 (cost of the call 5 European + iva, independent from the time)
Once gotten the code (the virtual check) you will have to access the section Profilo/Guadagni/Impostazioni in the control panel, cliccare on AlterBank, then on "it Changes you assign him virtual" and finally to insert the relative numerical code choosing the type of it according to the called number.
For now the service can be used only by the fixed telephones. Who had to have difficulty to effect calls toward this type of numbers you/he/she can contact his/her own telephone manager to train the relative numeration.
Is the rate of European conversion of the sponsorizzazioni/ACs different from that Checks virtuali/AC for which motive?
The service of activation codes (virtual checks) it has a certain complexity and consequently it behaves determined technical and administrative costs.
AlterVista perceives 45% on the cost of the call, for this motive the rate of conversion cannot be equal.
excuse for the translation, but I have used a translator to end before