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Discussione: PHP Scandir And Include Scripts

  1. #1

    Unhappy PHP Scandir And Include Scripts

    My current website uses the PHP scandir function to read the contents of a sub-directory and then includes each one of the files found by the scandir function into the main page.

    The code has been tested using XAMPP (Apache based) web server locally and the code works fine. However, when the code is uploaded to your web hosting server, it does not include an files as if the scandir function did not find any files. I have checked and the proper sub-folder does include the desired file. I have even tried changing the scnadir reference from relative to an absolute path but still no results. The PHP scandir function does not seem to return any errors (like it did on other hosting sites that did not support the scandir function).

    Is PHP scandir() and PHP include supported?

  2. #2
    L'avatar di Gianluca
    Gianluca non è connesso Amministratore
    Data registrazione


    Yes, it is supported, you may insert


    At the beginning of your script in order to display every warning. Please use the English forum

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