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Discussione: Domanda su Form PHP

  1. #1

    Question Domanda su Form PHP

    Salve a tutti Forum di Altervista,

    Oggi sono qui a porvi questa domanda per una questione che cercando e ricercando su internet non ho avuto la possibilità di trovare niente...

    Il form di cui vi sto parlando è:

    -Inviare una mail a un indirizzo (che scelgo io) direttamente dal mio sito, con diverse opzioni...

    Perdonatemi se non mi sono ancora presentato ma mi manca poco per terminare il mio progetto

  2. #2
    L'avatar di alemoppo
    alemoppo non è connesso Staff AV
    Data registrazione
    PU / BO


    Quale è il codice che non funziona?


  3. #3


    Su internet trovo solo ed esclusivamente questo tipo di form(esempio):
    $class_txt = "text";
    $class_inputbutton = "inputButton";
    $class_inputline = "inputLine";
    $class_inputfield = "inputField";
    $style_inputline = "width:355px;";
    $style_inputfield = "width:355px;";

    // email
    $target_address = "";
    $email_subject = "Website Request";

    // error messages
    $err_name = "Please enter a namen.";
    $err_phone = "Please enter a phone number.";
    $err_msg = "Please fill out the 'request' field.";
    $err_email = "Please enter a valid email address.";

    // misc text
    $msg_date = "Date";
    $msg_company = "Company";
    $msg_name = "Name";
    $msg_address = "Address";
    $msg_city = "Zip/City";
    $msg_phone = "Phone";
    $msg_email = "Email";
    $msg_answerby = "Reply by";
    $txt_email = "Email";
    $txt_phone = "Phone";
    $txt_post = "Post";
    $txt_send = "Send";
    $txt_mandatory = "mandatory";
    $msg_request = "Request";
    $msg_indent = 11;

    // messages
    $txt_thankyou = "<div class='$class_txt'><h2>Thank you for getting in contact with us!</h2>Your request has been sent and you'll be contacted as soon as possible.</div>";
    $txt_error = "<div style='color: #cc3300' class='$class_txt'><h2>Following errors occurred:</h2>{errors}</div>"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred

    // ################ END CONFIG #################

    function spaces($num, $fill=" "){
    for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill;
    return $foo;

    function isValidEmail($addr){
    if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr))
    return true;
    return false;

    // start form evaluation
    if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){
    if ($_REQUEST['name']=="") $error.="&raquo; $err_name<br>";
    if ($_REQUEST['fon']=="") $error.="&raquo; $err_phone<br>";
    if ($_REQUEST['message']=="") $error.="&raquo; $err_msg<br>";
    if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) $error.="&raquo; $err_email<br>";
    if ($error===false){

    $message="$msg_date:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_date)).date("d M Y, H:i", time());
    if ($_REQUEST['firma']) $message.="\n$msg_company:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_company)).$_REQUEST['firma'];
    if ($_REQUEST['name']) $message.="\n$msg_name:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_name)).$_REQUEST['name'];
    if ($_REQUEST['adresse']) $message.="\n$msg_address:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_address)).$_REQUEST['adresse'];
    if ($_REQUEST['ort']) $message.="\n$msg_city:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_city)).$_REQUEST['ort'];
    if ($_REQUEST['fon']) $message.="\n$msg_phone:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_phone)).$_REQUEST['fon'];
    $message.="\n\n".spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");
    $message.="\n$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt']."!\n";
    $message.=spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");

    mail($target_address, $email_subject, $message, "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']);
    echo $txt_thankyou;

    }else if ($error!==false) $error=str_replace("{errors}", $error, $txt_error);


    if ($error!==false){

    if($error!="foo") echo $error;

    // form
    echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>\n";
    echo "window.onload = function(){ document.form1.firma.focus(); }\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
    echo "<form name='form1' method='post' action=''>\n";
    echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' class='txt'>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_company</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='firma' id='firma' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['firma']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_name*</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='name' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['name']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_address</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='adresse' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['adresse']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_city</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='ort' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['ort']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_phone*</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='fon' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['fon']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_email*</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='email' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['email']."'>\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_answerby*</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19' class='$class_txt'><input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_email' checked> $txt_email&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
    echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_phone'> $txt_phone&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
    echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_post'> $txt_post\n";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_request*</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><textarea name='message' cols='45'style='$style_inputfield' rows='10' class='$class_inputfield'>".$_REQUEST['message']."</textarea></td></tr>\n";

    echo "<tr><td width='75' >&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19' align='right'>* $txt_mandatory</td></tr>\n";

    echo "<tr><td width='75'>&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "<td height='19'><input name='Submit' type='Submit' class='$class_inputbutton' value='$txt_send'>\n";
    echo "<input name='do' type='hidden' id='do' value='send'></td>\n";
    echo "</tr></table>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";

    ######################### END Contact Form ##########################
    Mentre a me serve che io, da un email (mia) possa inviare un email a un'altro indirizzo email...

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