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Discussione: Problema unexpected T_VARIABLE

  1. #1

    Predefinito Problema unexpected T_VARIABLE

    Cari amici, questo PHP, non è facile da digerire,...mi capita il seguente errore.:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /membri/aaannunci/NCADM/Config.php on line 79

    La pagina del config, è la seguente.:

    ################################################## ############################
    # #
    # #
    # #
    ################################################## ############################
    # PROGRAM : NetClassifieds #
    # VERSION : 1.x #
    # #
    # NOTES : #
    ################################################## ############################
    # All source code, images, programs, files included in this distribution #
    # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 #
    # ScriptDevelopers inc #
    # #
    # All Rights Reserved. #
    ################################################## ############################
    # #
    # While we distribute the source code for our scripts and you are #
    # allowed to edit them to better suit your needs, we do not #
    # support modified code. Modifying source code may make future #
    # upgrades incompatible. Please see the license prior to changing #
    # anything. You must agree to the license terms before using this #
    # software package or any code contained herein. #
    # #
    # Any redistribution without permission of ScriptDevelopers inc. #
    # is strictly forbidden. #
    # #
    ################################################## ############################
    ################################################## ###
    # 1.- Full Home Path #
    # Enter the full path to the program #
    # Example: #
    # Note: Do not forget the http:// and the trailing #
    # slash at the end #
    ################################################## ###
    $Home_URL = "";
    ################################################## ###
    # 2.- SSL Full Path #
    # Enter the full path to the program if you are #
    # using SSL. If you are not using SSL, you can #
    # either leave this blank or use your regular path. #
    # Example: #
    # Note: Do not forget the https:// (if required) #
    # and the trailing slash at the end #
    ################################################## ###
    $Secure_URL = "";
    ################################################## ###
    # 3.- Secure Certificate Options #
    # If you are using SSL, Set this to 1. If not, #
    # leave it at 0 #
    ################################################## ###
    $SSL_Required = 0;
    ################################################## ###
    # 4.- Database Connection #
    # These are your Database connection details. #
    # Follow the instructions next to each variable. #
    ################################################## ###
    $dbs = array(
    /*"DB_NAME" => "my_aaannunci", // The name of the database that this program will use
    "DB_HOST" => "localhost", // The host that this database is on. Ex. localhost or or
    "DB_USER" => "aaannunci", // The username setup to use this database. Must have Read/Write access
    "DB_PASS" => "bacgicokma23" // The password for the above user*/

    ################################################## ###
    # 5.- Password Options #
    # Enter the number of words you would like the #
    # password generator to use when creating new #
    # passwords. #
    ################################################## ###
    $config_NumberOfWords = 2)
    ################################################## ###
    # 6.- Password Options #
    # Enter the number of digits you would like the #
    # password generator to use in between words when #
    # creating new passwords. #
    ################################################## ###
    72)$config_MaxNumberOfDigitBetweenWords = 2;
    ################################################## ###
    # 7.- Password Options #
    # Would you like digits after the last word of the #
    # newly generated password. #
    # TRUE for yes #
    # FALSE for no #
    ################################################## ###
    $config_DigitsAfterLastWord = FALSE;
    ################################################## ###
    # 8.- Auto Cron.php on page loads #
    # Would you like the Cron.php code to be autorun on #
    # each page load (for sites without cron support) #
    # TRUE for yes #
    # FALSE for no #
    ################################################## ###
    $config_autocron = TRUE;

    ################################################## ###
    # 9.- Notify Email Time #
    # Sets up the script to send an email to the user #
    # when a listing they own is about to expire. #
    # Number of days in advance to send the email #
    # Blank (empty quotes) for no notification #
    ################################################## ###
    $notify_time = 2;

    ################################################## ###
    ################################################## ###

    if(!ini_get('register_globals')) {
    if(version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.2", "<")) {
    echo "Incompatible PHP Version";
    echo "Please see for more information";
    if(version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0", "<")) {
    if(is_array($_SERVER)) extract($_SERVER, EXTR_SKIP);
    if(is_array($_COOKIE)) extract($_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP);
    if(is_array($_POST)) extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);
    if(is_array($_GET)) extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);
    if(is_array($_ENV)) extract($_ENV, EXTR_SKIP);
    if(is_array($_FILES)) extract($_FILES, EXTR_SKIP);
    else {
    if(is_array($_SERVER)) extract($_SERVER, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);
    if(is_array($_COOKIE)) extract($_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);
    if(is_array($_POST)) extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);
    if(is_array($_GET)) extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);
    if(is_array($_ENV)) extract($_ENV, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);
    if(is_array($_FILES)) extract($_FILES, EXTR_SKIP|EXTR_REFS);


    ,.P.S:-, il N° 72 in neretto,.l'ho aggiunto io qui, per fare capire dove indica l'errore, qualche anima gentile puo' aiutarmi, non riesco a risolvere,..cari saluti a tutti, webmaster

  2. #2
    L'avatar di alemoppo
    alemoppo non è connesso Staff AV
    Data registrazione
    PU / BO


    Nella riga prima del 72, ovvero questa:
    Codice PHP:
    $config_NumberOfWords = 2)
    Non va il ';' ??

    Ovvero non è così?:
    Codice PHP:
    $config_NumberOfWords = 2);
    (Forse ho sbagliato, ma con tutti quei commenti il codice è difficile da leggere!)



    Guardando meglio il codice, questo pezzo non "torna":
    Codice PHP:
    $dbs = array(
    /*"DB_NAME" => "my_aaannunci", // The name of the database that this program will use
    "DB_HOST" => "localhost", // The host that this database is on. Ex. localhost or or
    "DB_USER" => "aaannunci", // The username setup to use this database. Must have Read/Write access
    "DB_PASS" => "bacgicokma23" // The password for the above user*/

    $config_NumberOfWords = 2)
    Perché è commentato l'interno dell'array? non doverbbe essere così?:
    Codice PHP:
    $dbs = array(
    "DB_NAME" => "my_aaannunci", // The name of the database that this program will use
    "DB_HOST" => "localhost", // The host that this database is on. Ex. localhost or or
    "DB_USER" => "aaannunci", // The username setup to use this database. Must have Read/Write access
    "DB_PASS" => "bacgicokma23" // The password for the above user
    $config_NumberOfWords = 2;
    Ultima modifica di alemoppo : 14-02-2010 alle ore 13.03.20

  3. #3

    Predefinito ...Non ho parole..

    ,..Beh!,.che dire,..sono commosso,....grazie tanto,...incredibile la velocità nella risposta, ed ha funzionato,..ora vedo anche per il codice,...,..

    P.S- ( è proprio vero che altervista è il miglior host freeware della rete..)

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