l'errore mi pare chiaro,
Fatal error: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please
create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
error message: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
Non trova la cartella TMP nel tuo spazio, per risolvere basta crearla tramite pannello gestione file o client FTP
Se smetti di imparare e evolverti sei morto dentro