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Discussione: Cannot Edit Title Page

  1. #1

    Predefinito Cannot Edit Title Page

    Hi, I am new to altervista and just created my site yesterday. I can't seem to edit the title page. When i open the site, the customizer is at the top, but when i click it, it goes to the customizer but i cannot edit any text on the page. i can change the theme and font and whatnot but i can't edit the text already there. can someone help me with this? I saw in a forum post that you can go to pages from your dashboard and clicking on the page will take you to edit pages where you can edit the page. But, When i click on title in the pages menu, the page just reloads and nothing happens. And i can't even delete the title page as there is no option for it.

  2. #2
    L'avatar di alemoppo
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    The english forum is here.

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da potterblog Visualizza messaggio
    i can't edit the text already there. can someone help me with this?
    Can you type in textarea? The problem is just saving the content or typing text?


  3. #3


    No, I can't type. Nothing happens when I click on the text already there. Is there some option I have to go into to edit the text?

  4. #4
    L'avatar di alemoppo
    alemoppo non è connesso Staff AV
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    The visual mode should work too. Can you try with another device? Like smartphone or other pc?


  5. #5


    Thanks for the help, but couldn't get into the edit mode. I finally went into settings and changed the title and subtitle there and they changed on the title page automatically.

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