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Discussione: Problemi joomleague e Altervista

  1. #1

    Predefinito Problemi joomleague e Altervista

    Salve a tutti voi,community di altervista.

    Premetto che ho segnalato già l'errore al forum di joomleague,ma ho pensato di scrivervi perchè forse dipende da altrevista,in quanto non unico ad avere suddetto problema.

    Ho installato Joomla 1.5.1 più Joomlegaue 0.93b,attivando il php5 e Il pugin legacy.

    Quando vado a creare nuove squadre,o fare altre modifiche mi vien fuori una serie di errori.

    Vorrei capire di cosa si tratta.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getTeams() on a non-object in /membri/*******/administrator/components/com_joomleague/admin.joomleague.php on line 527
    Fatal error: Call to a member function getPositions() on a non-object in /membri/********/administrator/components/com_joomleague/lib/inc.positionstool.php on line 74
    Fatal error: Call to a member function getTeams() on a non-object in /membri/*********/administrator/components/com_joomleague/admin.joomleague.php on line 1368
    Se invece premo tempalte esce fuori tutto questo :
    Error in show_playground.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_playground.tpl', 'showPlayground', 'Informazioni Stadio (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showPlayground)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_picture=1 show_map=1 show_route=1', )
    Error in show_players.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_players.tpl', 'showPlayers', 'Lista Squadra (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showPlayers)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_team_shortform=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_team_logo=1 show_stats=1 show_games_played=1 show_substitution_stats=1 show_player_numbers=0 player_numbers_pictures=0 show_player_icon=0 link_player=0 show_birthday=1', )
    Error in show_tip_ranking.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_tip_ranking.tpl', 'showTipRanking', 'Gioco Pronostici Classifica (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showTipRanking)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_matchday_dropdown=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_matchday_pagenav=1 limit=10 sort_order_1=points sort_order_2=correct_tips sort_order_3=correct_diffs sort_order_4=correct_tend sort_order_5=count_tips_m show_all_user=0 link_name_to=0 show_user_icon=0 show_tip_details=1 show_avarage_points=1 show_count_tips=1 show_count_joker=1 show_count_topptips=1 show_count_difftips=0 show_count_tendtipps=0 show_link_to_overall_ranking=1 show_help=0', )
    Error in show_matrix.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_matrix.tpl', 'showMatrix', 'Griglia Risultati (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showMatrix)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_section_heading=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 crosstable_icons_horizontal=0 crosstable_icons_vertical=0 show_help=0', )
    Error in show_report.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_report.tpl', 'showReport', 'Tabellino Incontro', 'show_project_heading=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_time=1 show_starters=1 show_substitutions=1 show_events=1 use_tabs_events=1', )
    Error in show_stats.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_stats.tpl', 'showStats', 'Stats Stagione (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showStats)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_general_stats=1 home_away_stats=1 show_goals_stats=1 show_attendance_stats=0 show_goals_stats_flash=1 show_attendance_ranking=0 show_events_stats=0', )
    Error in show_table.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_table.tpl', 'showRanking', 'Classifica (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showTable)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_section_heading=1 type_section_heading=1 show_rounds_dates=1 show_ranking_dropdown=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_matchday_pagenav=1 colors=1,1,#bdd8be,Champions;2,2,#cee0ce,Champions League;3,3,#dce7dc,Qualification Champions League;4,5,#f7f6d0,UEFA Cup;6,6,#fcfbed,UI Cup;16,18,#f6dfdb,Relegation; show_colors_legend=1 show_triple_ranking=1 column_sorting=1 tie_breaker_1=points tie_breaker_2=goal_diff tie_breaker_3=goal_for tie_breaker_4=goal_against ordered_columns=POINTS, PLAYED, WINS, TIES, LOSSES, RESULTS, DIFF show_negative_points=0 alternative_goal= sort_table=0 last_ranking=1 style_class1=sectiontableentry1 style_class2=sectiontableentry2 default_division_view=0 show_project_table=1 show_level1_table=1 show_level2_table=1 fav_highlight_type=1 show_logo_small_table=1 names=name show_icons=1 show_club_link=1 show_team_link=1 show_teaminfo_link=1 show_plan_link=1 show_curve_link=1', )
    Error in show_tip_results.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_tip_results.tpl', 'showTipResults', 'Gioco Pronostici Risultati (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showTipResults)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_matchday_dropdown=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_matchday_pagenav=1 limit=10 show_all_user=0 link_name_to=0 show_average_points=1 show_points=1 show_help=0', )
    Error in show_frontpage.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_frontpage.tpl', 'frontpage', 'Frontpage (index.php?option=com_joomleague)', 'show_ranking_table=1 last_ranking=0 show_cnt_matches=1 show_won=1 show_draw=1 show_lost=1 show_winpct=0 show_gameback=0 show_results=1 show_diff=1 alternative_legs= show_legs_diff=0 alternative_legs_diff= show_points=1 show_negative_points=0 show_start_points=0 fav_highlight_type=1 show_logo_small_table=1 names=name show_icons=1 show_club_link=1 show_team_link=1 show_teaminfo_link=1 show_plan_link=1 show_curve_link=1 show_results_table=1 show_dnp_teams=1 show_referee=0 show_playground=0 show_playground_alert=0 show_events=0 use_tabs_events=0 show_match_number=0 show_time=1 show_time_suffix=1 show_part_results=1 show_fireboard_link=0 mark_now_playing=0 mark_now_playing_blink=0 mark_now_playing_text=!NOW! show_logo_small=1 res_names=name res_highlight_fav=1 res_show_icons=1', )
    Error in show_team_info.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_team_info.tpl', 'showTeamInfo', 'Informazione Squadra (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showTeamInfo)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_club_logo=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_club_info=1 show_teams_seasons=1 show_team_season_calendar=1 show_teams_logos=1 show_teams_roster_link=1 show_teams_calendar_link=1 show_teams_ranking_link=1 ordering_teams_seasons=1', )
    Error in show_results.tpl: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_joomleague_template_config (template, func, title, params, project_id) VALUES ('show_results.tpl', 'showResults', 'Risultati (index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showResults)', 'show_project_heading=1 show_section_heading=1 type_section_heading=1 show_rounds_dates=1 show_matchday_dropdown=1 show_print_button=0 show_back_button=0 show_matchday_pagenav=1 show_dnp_teams=1 result_style=0 show_division=0 show_division_name=name show_division_link=0 show_referee=0 show_playground=0 show_playground_name=shortname show_playground_alert=0 show_events=0 use_tabs_events=0 show_match_number=0 show_time=1 show_time_suffix=1 show_part_results=1 show_fireboard_link=1 mark_now_playing=0 mark_now_playing_blink=0 mark_now_playing_text=!NOW! mark_now_playing_alt_text=Start: %STARTTIME% - Current: %ACTUALTIME% mark_now_playing_alt_actual_time=ca. %PART%. part - %MINUTE%. min. mark_now_playing_alt_actual_break= Break %PART% style_class1=sectiontableentry1 style_class2=sectiontableentry2 show_logo_small=1 names=name highlight_fav=1 show_icons=1 show_club_link=1 show_team_link=1 show_teaminfo_link=1 show_plan_link=1 show_curve_link=1', )...................
    Ultima modifica di dreadnaut : 25-08-2009 alle ore 01.50.51 Motivo: + tag [code]

  2. #2
    L'avatar di dementialsite
    dementialsite non è connesso Super Moderatore
    Data registrazione
    fuori Padova


    Per quanto riguarda la parte di template, sono sbagliate tutte le query: c'è una virgola di troppo prima dell'ultima parentesi. Dovresti modificare il file che le contiene rimuovendo questa virgola (tieni conto che la query potrebbe essere costruita assemblando diverse parti in vari punti del codice, quindi attenzione)

    Sull'altro punto, purtroppo non so aiutarti...

    Stammi bene...
    Le questioni tecniche hanno risposte migliori nel forum pubblico, non trovi?

    When you don't know your next step... improvise

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  3. #3


    Grazie mille.Comunque adesso ho lasciato satre quella pate e mi sono dedictao all'impaginazione del sito,per poi risolvere il tutto.
    Ieri ho uploadato una cartella conetnetente alcuni file(semplci script per fantacalcio),quando vado a richiamre la pagina miosito/fantacalcio/index.php mi restituisce l'errore 403.Allora ho provato ad eliminare la cartella fantacalcio sia con ftp filezilla(ma niente),sia dal pannello di controllo e mi restituisce l'errore 009fs.
    Scusate l' nessuno può darmi lumi?
    Ho risolto da me.Grazie lo stesso.
    Ultima modifica di darkwolf : 08-11-2009 alle ore 16.27.13 Motivo: Unione di 4 post consecutivi.

  4. #4


    Ciao mi dici come hai risolto? Grazie

  5. #5


    vorrei avere anche io lumi dallo staff di altervista...
    almeno sapere se sarà risolto il problema o se dobbiamo trasferirci.

    Grazie Ivan

  6. #6


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da nebrodisport Visualizza messaggio
    vorrei avere anche io lumi dallo staff di altervista...
    almeno sapere se sarà risolto il problema o se dobbiamo trasferirci.

    Grazie Ivan
    A me mi sembra che l'utente weblogcorsano1 abbia risolto

  7. #7


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da weblogcorsano1 Visualizza messaggio
    Ho risolto da me.Grazie lo stesso.
    Ho il tuo stesso problema mi dici come hai risolto?

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