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Discussione: Problema Voltlab burning board

  1. #1

    Predefinito Problema Voltlab burning board

    Salve premetto che questo erore in altri hosting non o do ma mi piace moltissimo sia altervista che questo tipo di forumm

    mi da un errore, il seguente

    Fatal error: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
    You get more information about the problem in our knowledge base:
    error message: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
    error code: 10000
    file: /membri/metinche/install.php (267)
    php version: 5.2.9
    wcf version:
    date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 10:28:46 +0000
    request: /install.php
    #0 /membri/metinche/install.php(696): BasicFileUtil::getTempFolder()
    #1 {main}

    Qualcuno sa percaso aiutarmi jn questo? Premessa mi da l'errore avendo un database di livello sia 2 che 1..

    Dovrei passare al 3?

    Grazie tantissime per le futue risposte

  2. #2
    L'avatar di makpaolo
    makpaolo non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione
    Brescia ( prov.)


    l'errore mi pare chiaro,
    Fatal error: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
    error message: There is no access to the system temporary folder due to an unknown reason and no user specific temporary folder exists in /membri/metinche/! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called /membri/metinche/tmp/ using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.
    Non trova la cartella TMP nel tuo spazio, per risolvere basta crearla tramite pannello gestione file o client FTP
    Se smetti di imparare e evolverti sei morto dentro

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