How to use Strawberry Perl Portable?
* Extract strawberry portable ZIP into e.g. c:\......\
Note: choose a directory name without spaces and non us-ascii characters
* Launch c:\.....\portableshell.bat - it should open a command prompt window
* In the command prompt window you can:
1. run any perl script by launching
c:\> perl c:\path\to\
2. install additional perl modules (libraries) from by
c:\> cpan Module::Name
3. run other tools included in strawberry like: perldoc, gcc, dmake ...
* If you want to use Strawberry Perl Portable not only from portableshell.bat,
you need to set the following environmental variables:
1. add c:\.....\perl\site\bin, c:\.....\perl\bin, and c:\.......\c\bin
to PATH variable
2. set variable TERM=dumb