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Discussione: Aiuuuto!!!

  1. #1
    web3 non è connesso AlterVistiano
    Data registrazione


    Sto provando a far funzionare un modulo di scambio banners integrato in phpnuke. prima di metterlo online l'ho testato in locale e funziona perfettamente, ma quando metto online il tutto cercando di creare un account mi appaiono questi errori!

    Warning: getimagesize: Unable to open '' for reading. in /membri/web3/web3/modules/bannerexchange/index.php on line 18

    We could not create your account for the following reasons:
    Site URL is invalid. Please make sure you include the filename (index.html, for example) or a trailing slash (!

    The system was unable to locate your banner image with the URL you provided. This is because it's either not an image, or does not exist at the URL you provided ( Please check the URL and try again. Please note that if you are on a free host such as Geocities or Angelfire, you might need to include your banner somewhere on your own page in order for it to be allowed to be remotely linked. Some services don't allow remote linking at all.

    Your banner is invalid because it is pixels. banners in this exchange must be 468 pixels wide.

    Your banner is invalid because it is pixels. banners in this exchange must be 60 pixels heigh.

    Please go back and try again.

    Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Io non so proprio come risolvere il problema !!!

  2. #2


    La connessione server-server é disabilitata

  3. #3
    web3 non è connesso AlterVistiano
    Data registrazione


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da numerone
    La connessione server-server é disabilitata
    Per motivi di sicurezza? Qualcuno potrebbe modificarmi lo script affinchè funzioni?

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