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Discussione: Informazioni

  1. #1
    totitaromina non è connesso Neofita
    Data registrazione

    Predefinito Informazioni

    mi è arrivato questa email, è sicura?se si, non ho ben capito cosa vogliono. qualcuno può spiegarmi?
    anticipatamente grazie.
    >----Messaggio originale----
    >Da: registrazione_domini***
    >Data: 27-feb-2013 18.15
    >A: <lacasa.gialla***>
    >Ogg: WHOIS Data Confirmation for
    >Dear Valued Customer,
    >ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet,
    >requires that each domain name registrant be given the opportunity to
    >correct any inaccurate contact data (WHOIS data) associated with a domain
    >name registration. Our records for your domain are as follows:
    > n/a
    > via vaianisi, 63
    > Trabia, PA 90019
    > IT
    > Domain name: LACASAGIALLA.BIZ
    > Administrative Contact:
    > Taormina, Salvatore lacasa.gialla***
    > via vaianisi, 63
    > Trabia, PA 90019
    > IT
    > +39.3280077683
    > Technical Contact:
    > Danesin, Gianluca domain_manager***
    > Via G.B. Vico 42
    > Milano, MI 20123
    > IT
    > +39.0289631293
    > Billing Contact:
    > Taormina, Salvatore lacasa.gialla***
    > via vaianisi, 63
    > Trabia, PA 90019
    > IT
    > +39.3280077683
    > Registration Service Provider:
    > Banzai Media s.r.l., registrazione_domini***
    > This company may be contacted for domain login/passwords,
    > DNS/Nameserver changes, and general domain support questions.
    > Record last updated on 29-Jun-2012.
    > Record expires on 28-Jun-2013.
    > Record created on 29-Jun-2012.
    > Domain servers in listed order:
    > Domain status: clientTransferProhibited
    > clientUpdateProhibited
    >To update your WHOIS contact information, please send a request to
    >If any of the information above is inaccurate, you should correct it.
    >If all of the information above is accurate, you do not need to take any
    >Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement,
    >the provision of false WHOIS information can be grounds for cancellation
    >of your domain name registration.
    >If you have any questions or comments regarding ICANN's policy, please
    >them directly at icann***
    >WHOIS Privacy is disabled for this domain.
    >Thank you for your attention.
    >NOTE: Please do NOT reply to this message. This is an outgoing message
    Ultima modifica di darkwolf : 07-03-2013 alle ore 16.58.51 Motivo: Censurate le mail per non dar da mangiare agli spammer!

  2. #2


    Il messaggio dice
    >ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet,
    >requires that each domain name registrant be given the opportunity to
    >correct any inaccurate contact data (WHOIS data) associated with a domain
    >name registration.

    >To update your WHOIS contact information, please send a request to
    >If any of the information above is inaccurate, you should correct it.
    >If all of the information above is accurate, you do not need to take any
    >Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement,
    >the provision of false WHOIS information can be grounds for cancellation
    >of your domain name registration.
    >If you have any questions or comments regarding ICANN's policy, please
    >them directly at icann***
    Che tradotto in italiano significa che il gestore del dominio ti da la possibilità di modificare i dati nel caso siano sbagliati. Devi controllare se i dati sono giusti (ho fatto un controllo veloce, puoi lasciarli così) e se sono sbagliati inviare una mail a "registrazione_domini[chiocciola]altervista[punto]org" altrimenti non devi far niente.
    Ultima modifica di darkwolf : 07-03-2013 alle ore 16.59.05

  3. #3
    totitaromina non è connesso Neofita
    Data registrazione


    grazie tante edo!!

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