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Discussione: PHPBB3: How to translate my forum from

  1. #1

    Red face PHPBB3: How to translate my forum from

    Hello everyone I'm a new Adm but i need help!

    i wanna translate my forum from English to another language... i wanna do this manually but i don't know when to take file to translate the forum and then when i could put in my database forum.
    Thanks! A tutorial could be very helpfully!

    P.S: I understand Italian, so you could answer me and in Italian too.


    Hey, please someone tell me how to add an new language pack!

    I could install only english and italian... please i downloaded language pack from phpbb and i wanna to add at my forum but... :S

    please, adm of altervista make that way that we could have the chance to add and a new language pack manually ;)
    Ultima modifica di darkwolf : 11-09-2010 alle ore 19.02.57 Motivo: Doppio post!

  2. #2
    L'avatar di darkwolf
    darkwolf non č connesso Salvatore Noschese
    Data registrazione
    Reggiolo (RE)


    I don't know a valid answer for your problem but i've moved your two topics from a badly forum section to only one in right section. Now, i think, someone can answer.

    Kind regards, DarkWolf (PS: Welcome)

  3. #3
    L'avatar di silvermaledetto
    silvermaledetto non č connesso AlterGuru 2500
    Data registrazione
    Provincia di Modena


    Io ne ho... visti forum che voi umani non potreste immaginarvi... PhpBB3 in panne al largo dei database MySQL di Orione... E ho visto i TAG [B] balenare nel buio vicino al postreply di Tannhäuser.... E tutti quei... momenti andranno perduti nel tempo... Come... lacrime... nella pioggia... Č tempo... di backuppare....

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