BBtoNuke 2.0.5 only:
1-Sorting users by registration date lists them incorrectly. (EvolutionCrazy)
2-When you add a word to the forum's censor list they get replaced if they are part of another word even if you didn't use a wilcard. (chatserv).
PHP-Nuke 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8:
Unless otherwise stated these apply to all the above versions of Nuke.
1-Time for block content not checked properly. (thepacketmaster)
2-Related Links fail to work on articles. (EvolutionCrazy)
3-Reviews sent don't work in Italian language maybe others as well. (EvolutionCrazy)
4-Broken links in forum admin styles. (D1ab70)
5-Reviews Current language is not selected. (marius)
6-Rating Web Links returns broken link. (mynukecops) * (Nuke 6.6 - 6.7)
7-Rating Downloads returns broken link. (mynukecops) * (Nuke 6.6 - 6.7)
8-Parse error when using chinese language. (chatserv).
9-Display error in Your Account module. (mikem).
10-Default install does not create Forums admin. (Mighty_Y).