Salve, ho un problema con uno script di questo sito:
Ho scaricato tutto e ho inserito i files nella cartella search nel mio sito:
Purtroppo però non trova nessun risultato.. come mai?
PS: ecco l'index.php
# XHTML Google search engine using Google API and NuSOAP library
# Get the NuSOAP lib at
# Example tutorial by David Hellsing for
# You can use this script on your site free of charge, no strings attached.
# Please link back to if you use this script.
# Donations are always welcome - contact us for details at info[at]
############ PREFERENCES ############
$pref->text = ""; # Default text if no description is returned
$pref->title = "vCommunity Search"; # Default text if no title is returned
$pref->key = "ABQIAAAANvnwioFWJ-UNM1_Yg3UOwBRVeFeubvrOAWCLObVIwUFGyXZMwhQlcxeQL15mKm921vKh2KxI82gMuw"; # your google API key, get yours at
$pref->results = "10"; # number of results (max 10)
$pref->start = "auto"; # search number to be displayed first. "auto" will generate a navigation page
$pref->safe = "true"; # toggles safeSearch on/off (false to turn if off)
$pref->filter = "true"; # true if you wish google to filter out similar results
# load the NuSOAP php library
# load the GET variable
$query = $_GET['q'];
# get the google results
$results = getResults($query);
# get document title
$title = getTitle($query);
function getTitle($query)
#gets a different title if there has been a search query
$title = !empty($_GET['q']) ? "Risultati: ".$_GET['q'] : "vCommunity Search";
return $title;
function getResults($query)
# get preferences
global $pref;
if ($pref->start == "auto") $start = empty($_GET['start']) ? 0 : $_GET['start'];
else $start = $pref->start;
# Set parameters
$parameters = array(
'key'=> $pref->key,
'q' => $query,
'start' => $start,
'maxResults' => $pref->results,
'filter' => $pref->filter,
'restrict' => '',
'safeSearch' => $pref->safe,
'lr' => '',
'ie' => 'latin',
'oe' => 'latin'
# Create a new SOAP client, feeding it GoogleSearch.wsdl on Google's site
$soapclient = new soapclient('', 'wsdl');
# query Google
$results = $soapclient->call('doGoogleSearch',$parameters);
# Results?
$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); # get html translations
$amount = $results['estimatedTotalResultsCount'];
if ( is_array($results['resultElements']) ) {
$html = "<p class=\"results\">Risultati <strong>".($start+1)." - ".($start+$pref->results)."</strong> su circa <strong>$amount</strong> per <strong>$query</strong></p>\n";
$html.= "<dl>\n";
foreach ( $results['resultElements'] as $result ) {
$snippet = $result['snippet'] ? $result['snippet'] : $pref->text;
$snippet = preg_replace("/<b>([^<]+)<\/b>/","<strong>\\1</strong>",strip_tags($snippet,"<b>"));
$url = preg_replace("/&/","&",$result['URL']);
$title = $result['title'] ? $result['title'] : $pref->title;
$title = preg_replace("/<b>([^<]+)<\/b>/","<strong>\\1</strong>",strip_tags($title,"<b>"));
$html.= "\t<dt><a href=\"$url\">$title</a></dt>\n";
$html.= "\t<dd>$snippet</dd>\n";
$html.= "\t<dd class=\"url\">".preg_replace("/http\:\/\//","",$url)." - ".$result['cachedSize']."</dd>\n";
$html.= "</dl>\n";
# else no results
elseif (!empty($query)) $html = "<p>La ricerca per <b><q>$query</q></b> non ha prodotto risultati.</p>";
# This will present a navigation, if start is set to auto
if ($pref->start == "auto" && !empty($query) && $amount != 0)
$disp = $_GET['start'];
if(!empty($disp) && $disp > 1)
$pag = $disp>($pref->results-1) ? $disp - $pref->results : 0;
$prev = "<strong><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=$query&start=$pag\">Precedente</a></strong> ";
if ($amount - $disp > $pref->results)
$pag = $disp+$pref->results;
$next = "<strong><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=$query&start=$pag\">Successivo</a></strong> ";
if ($amount > $pref->results)
$html.="<p class=\"nav\">Risultati: $prev";
if ($disp>0)
$be_disp = $disp >=($pref->results*10) ? ($disp/$pref->results)-($pref->results-1) : 1;
for ($x=$be_disp;$x<(($disp/$pref->results)+1);$x++)
$html.="<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=$query&start=".(($x-1)*$pref->results)."\">$x</a> ";
$to_disp = floor($amount/$pref->results) > $pref->results ? ($disp/$pref->results)+11 : (floor($amount/$pref->results)+1);
for($x=(($disp/$pref->results)+1); $x<$to_disp; $x++)
$html.= ($x-1)*$pref->results == $disp ? "<span>$x</span> " : "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=$query&start=".(($x-1)*$pref->results)."\">$x</a> ";
return $html;
### END PHP ###
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"></meta>
<style type="text/css" media="all">
/* reflects somewhat googles default style. Modify as you wish. */
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
body { font: 0.85em/1.15em arial, sans-serif; margin: 3em; }
a:link { color: #00c }
a:visited { color: #551a8b; }
a:active { color: #f00; }
dt { font-weight: normal; font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 1.2em;}
dd.url { color: #008000; }
form { margin-bottom: 1.5em; padding-bottom: 1.5em; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; }
p.nav { margin-top: 1.5em; padding-top: 1.5em; border-top: 1px solid #aaa;}
p.nav a:link, p.nav a:visited, p.nav a:active { color: #000; margin-right: 0.3em; }
p.nav strong { font-size: 1.3em; }
p.nav strong a:link, p.nav strong a:visited, p.nav strong a:active { color: #00c; }
p.nav span { color:#a90a08; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 0.3em; }
<form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<p><label for="q"><b>vCommunity Search:</b></label> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $_GET['q']; ?>" name="q" id="q" /> <input type="submit" value=" Cerca nel web " /></p>
<?php echo $results; ?>
Cosa devo modificare per farlo funzionare? Grazie.
Edit: Il file index.php è stato tradotto da me in italiano