L'ho fatto ma se apro la pag http://katychan.altervista.org/guest...hp?action=view mi da questo errore:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /membri/katychan/setup.php on line 23"
Il file setup è questo:
Codice PHP:
$OPTION[mysqlserver] = "katychan@localhost"; // mySQL hostname
$OPTION[mysqldb] = "my_katychan"; // mySQL database name
$OPTION[mysqluser] = "katychan"; // mySQL login username
$OPTION[mysqlpass] = "pass"; // mySQL login password
$OPTION[RequireName] = "Yes"; // Yes or No
$OPTION[RequireEmail] = "Yes"; // Yes or No
$OPTION[RequireHomepageName] = "No"; // Yes or No
$OPTION[RequireHomepageUrl] = "No"; // Yes or No
$OPTION[showpostedbydetails] = "Yes"; // Display who posted the message (Yes or No)
$OPTION[sendemailonnewmessage] = "No"; // Send you a email when someone leaves a message (Yes or No)
$OPTION[youremail] = "katychan83@yahoo.it"; // Your Email address
$OPTION[Username] = "username"; // Username so you can delete messages
$OPTION[Password] = "password"; // Password so you can delete messages
$OPTION[GuestbookName] = "At Katychan's Guestbook";
$OPTION[MessagesPerPage] = "25"; // Messages per page
$OPTION[offset] = "\\"; // How many hours you want to offset the server time
// For a full list of the date variables goto http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
$OPTION[dateformat] = "d-m-y";
$OPTION[timeformat] = "h:i:s A";
$FoundUSArray = array(
"Just Surfed On It!",
"Word of Mouth",
"Search Engine",
// To add extra values put ( "NAME", ) on a new line (make sure the last array value doesnt have a , at the end)
ps ovviamente ho scritto pass ora però c'è la password giusta nel file che ho uppato
Usa i tag appositi per il codice php e non fare UP.