Il modulo fino a pochi giorni fa funzionava, ora invece mi arriva una email senza le informazioni del form con solo le informazioni del mittente (indirizzo ip, browser ecc.).
Nella versione flash alla sezione contact, lo stesso tipo di script (ma non lo stesso file), funziona.
Lo script è:
Codice PHP:
$version = "v1.3";
function show($error, $message){
global $version;
echo "<html>
body{background-color: #CCCCCC; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: black;}
echo "<table width=\"500\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" bordercolor=\"#000000\">\n";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><h5 align=\"center\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">$error\n";
echo "</font></h5></td></tr><tr><td height=\"115\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">$message</font></div></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">\n";
echo "</body></html>";
if ($action == "send"){
// Date and Time
$time = date("F jS Y, h:iA");
// Grab the config file
require "";
// Do we need to log the IP addresses ?
if ($logip == "1"){
// Open the logfile
if (!file_exists($logipfile)){
$error = "Form Error (No Log File)";
$message = "<b>Warning</b> \"Log IP\" file does not exist - please make a text file named <b>$textname</b> and CHMOD it 777";
show($error, $message);
$fp = @fopen("$logipfile", "a");
if (!($fp)){
$error = "Form Error (CHMOD)";
$message = "<b>Warning</b> The \"Log IP\" file is not set CHMOD 777";
show($error, $message);
// Iterate through all the POST variables, add them to the message body:
$message = "";
// Start Iterate
while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)){
$message .= $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n";
// Add extra Info
$message .= "\n\n--------------- Informazioni sul mittente ---------------\n\n";
$message .= "(er php me lo so imparato pure io) \n";
$message .= "Inviato: $time"."\n";
// Grab the env config file
if ($envreport == "1"){
require "";
$message .= "Indirizzo IP: $ip"."\n";
$message .= "Browser: $browser";
if (!isset($recipient)){
$recipient = $whoto;
if (getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "GET"){
$error = "Form Error (Request Method)";
$message = "You may only use this script using the \"POST\" method from this domain<br><br>$HTTP_HOST";
show($error, $message);
else {
$checkpoint = ereg("@*$",$email);
if($checkpoint==0) {
// if no valid email address entered, display no email message
$error = "Form Error (Email)";
$message = "<b>Devi inserire un'indirizzo email valido.</b>.";
show($error, $message);
else {
mail("$recipient", "Site Contact", $message, "From: $email");
if ($logip == "1"){
fputs($fp, "$ip // $time // $email \n");
// close the textfile
if ($thankspage == "1"){
header("Location: $pagelocation");
else {
$error = "Invio riuscito.";
$message = $thanksmessage;
show($error, $message);
Help please