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Discussione: ciao problema upload

  1. #1

    Predefinito ciao problema upload

    Premetto che sono un novellino
    Allora io ho creato un sito con upload e fino li tutto bene
    Ora pero non mi fa fare piu nulla sull'upload cioe ne scaricare ne uploddare i file
    Da cosa puo dipendere?
    E poi come si mettono le stringhe per i banner sul php?
    Spero di essere stato chiaro

  2. #2


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da forum78
    Premetto che sono un novellino
    Allora io ho creato un sito con upload e fino li tutto bene
    Ora pero non mi fa fare piu nulla sull'upload cioe ne scaricare ne uploddare i file
    Da cosa puo dipendere?
    E poi come si mettono le stringhe per i banner sul php?
    Spero di essere stato chiaro
    Non molto direi... credo sarebbe necessario qualche altro dettaglio

  3. #3


    non mi fa piu caricare e scaricare file
    E volevo sapere se si possono mettere i banner pubblicitari e dove(in quale file)

  4. #4


    Ma hai fatto il login?
    Per quanto riguarda i banner dovresti guardare se c'è un file tipo footer.php foot.php o simili nello script e li metti lì.

  5. #5


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da tuttoeniente2
    Ma hai fatto il login?
    Per quanto riguarda i banner dovresti guardare se c'è un file tipo footer.php foot.php o simili nello script e li metti lì.
    Si ho fatto login, poi ho caricato gli altercents e alzato il livello a 2, oltre che il traffico mensile; ma non va
    PS: c'è solo un file footer.htm
    Ultima modifica di forum78 : 09-11-2005 alle ore 18.48.29

  6. #6


    Per quanto riguarda i banner scrivi tutto in footer.html
    Per il fatto che è impossibile inviare i file mi sembra veramente strano.
    Cmq il traffico non era necessario aumentarlo (anche perché poi sennç gli AC che hai speso ti verranno scalati ogni mese, quindi se non ne hai bisogno ti consiglio di riportarlo ai soliti 10GB)

  7. #7


    Ti ringrazio tanto
    Per i banner tutto ok
    Per il trasfer. dei file forse ho capito che dipende dalla mia connessione adsl, su cui stanno facendo dei lavori; ho anche altri programmi che non vanno

  8. #8


    Accidenti , continua a non accettare i file che gli invio
    Mi rimanda nella homepage
    Provate anche voi a mandargleli magari il problema è sul mio pc!

  9. #9


    a me funziona xfettamente

  10. #10


    ma alla home page di AV?
    se sì, controlla se ci sono indirizzi dello script da configurare tipo directory dove è installato ecc, perché c'è differenza tra maiuscole e minuscole.
    Magari prova togliendo il secondo slash prima di index.php, così:

  11. #11


    ma la mia curiosita è questa:
    perche fino ad ora mi ha fatto mettere i file le cartelle e tutto il resto e da adesso non va piu?
    Io non ho toccato niente !

  12. #12


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da jostock
    a me funziona xfettamente
    Ti ringrazio della prova, ho visto che il file tu lo hai messo, mi viene il dubbio che sono io che ho qualkcosa nella mia connessione

  13. #13


    Può darsi, ogni tanto capita

  14. #14


    Ok risolto tutto ; il problema è nella mia connesione
    Visto che siete stati cosi gentili approfitto.
    Mi è rimasto un problemuccio:
    ogni volta che entro nell' upload devo rifare login(cioe non lo tiene in memoria anche se flaggo la casella "rimani loggato")
    Esiste un modo per risolvere questo, anche se non è importantissimo
    Grazie ancora

  15. #15


    Prova a vedere se hai i cookie attivati, ma la cosa più probabile è che lo script usi le sessioni per vedere se un utente è loggato o meno, e le sessioni scadono, cioè si cancellano, quando chiudi il browser, per cui se proprio vuoi rimanere loggato devi per forza modificare lo script che può non essere proprio semplicissimo...

  16. #16


    basta ke al login imposti un cookie invece di una sessione e il controllo lo fai sul cookie

  17. #17


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da jostock
    basta ke al login imposti un cookie invece di una sessione e il controllo lo fai sul cookie
    Scusa ma per me è arabo!
    I cookie sono abilitati quindi il problema sta nello script, ma non so da nche parte farmi per modificarlo!
    Grazie cmq a tutti

  18. #18


    posta lo script

  19. #19


    Questo è quello che trovo nel file conf.php che è dentro la cartella include:

    /************************************************** *************************
    * conf.php
    * -------------------
    * begin : Tuesday', Aug 15', 2002
    * copyright : ('C) 2002 Bugada Andrea
    * email :
    * $Id: conf.php, v1.30 2005/03/09 11:53:50 bugada Exp $
    ************************************************** *************************/

    /************************************************** *************************
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License', or
    * ('at your option) any later version.
    ************************************************** *************************/

    if ( !defined('IN_PHPATM') )
    die("Hacking attempt");

    // PHP scripts file extension, change it only if your server requires a
    // different name for php scripts. Rememember to rename all .php files
    // with the new extension EXCLUDING 'conf.php'
    $phpExt = 'php';

    // Don't touch this include

    // URL link to homepage (the link under "home" icon).
    // These value will not influence the script working
    $homeurl = "";

    // The name of administrator (usually your name)
    $admin_name = 'iffty';

    // Administrator e-mail address
    $admin_email = '';

    // If your site has the mail function disabled you can use the SMTP e-mailer.
    // Just set $use_smtp to true, fill $smtp_host with your smtp server (something
    // like and, if required, your username and password.
    // Note that if you use 'localhost' as host, password and username normally
    // are not required.
    $use_smtp = false;
    $smtp_host ='';
    $smtp_username = '';
    $smtp_password = '';

    // $domain_name: the domain of your site without trailing 'http://' (eg.
    // $script_folder_path: the path where phpATM is located relative to the domain name
    $domain_name = '';
    $script_folder_path = 'folder1/folder2';
    $installurl = '' . $domain_name . '' . $script_folder_path;
    // You have to change next settings if you wish use non-default folders
    // Highly recommended to change folders name to improve security
    $users_folder_name = 'users';
    $userstat_folder_name = 'userstat';
    $uploads_folder_name = 'files';
    $languages_folder_name = 'languages';
    $stats_folder_name = 'stats';
    $viewers_folder_name = 'viewers';
    $cfg_folder_name = 'cfg';

    // Cookie settings. Normally changing these settings is not required.
    // If you want to limit the cookie validity to a particular
    // path or domain enter it in $cookiepath and $cookiedomain; set $cookiesecure
    // true only if your server is SSL Secure. The default cookie validity is set to 1 year
    // (24 * 365 = 8760 hours), you can decrease it if you want
    $cookiedomain = '';
    $cookiepath = '';
    $cookiesecure = false;
    $cookievalidity = 8760; //hours

    // User type grants
    // ================
    // view: user can view the file list
    // modwon: user can modify name and description of own files only
    // NOTE: if modall is true, the value of modown will be ignored (assumed true)
    // delown: user can delete own files only
    // NOTE: if delall is true, the value of delown will be ignored (assumed true)
    // download: user can download files
    // NOTE: if view is false then the value of download will be ignored (assumed false)
    // mail: user can mail files to his own mail address with size limitation (see mailall)
    // NOTE: if view is false then the value of mail will be ignored (assumed false)
    // upload: user can upload files
    // mkdir: user can create directories
    // modall: user can modify name and description of all files and directories
    // delall: user can delete any files or directories
    // mailall: user can send files to his own mail address without size limitation
    // webcopy: user can upload files by http address
    // validate: user can validate new uploaded file
    // Consider following lines as a table and modify true to false and viceversa paying
    // attention to not delete commas or parentesis nor other special chars.
    // Please don't change uppercase values!!
    // STATUS => array(view, modown, delown, download, mail, upload, mkdir, modall, delall, mailall, webcopy, validate)
    // V V V V V V V V V V V V
    $grants = array(
    ANONYMOUS => array(true, FALSE, FALSE, true, FALSE, false, false, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, false, false),
    UPLOADER => array(true, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, true, false),
    VIEWER => array(true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false),
    NORMAL => array(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false),
    POWER => array(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true ),

    // The default status of new registered user
    // ADMIN - Administrator, POWER - Power User, NORMAL - Normal User,
    // VIEWER - Viewer (view only), UPLOADER - Uploader (upload only)
    $default_user_status = NORMAL;

    // The text displayed in the browser titlebar
    $page_title = 'IFFTY UPLOAD';

    // The default status of a new uploaded file:
    // 0 - new files do not require admin approval to be listed
    // 1 - admin approval is required before a new file can be listed
    $validation_enabled = 0;

    // You can encrypt files content to increase security and avoid direct linking to files.
    // Remember that viewers will be disabled with encryption on. Change this setting only
    // if your file directory is empty, because with this setting off, already encrypted files
    // will be unreadable and viceversa. Permitted values are 'true' and 'false'.
    // NOTE: if you are planning to enable this setting please first change the encryption key
    // with a password of your choice.
    $encrypt_filecontent = false;
    $encryption_key = 'password';

    // Server timezone offset, relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), in hours
    // Change this setting only if time works incorrect
    $GMToffset = date('Z')/3600;

    // The time when script have to do maintenance functions
    // (delete unauhtorized users, send digest, etc.). For instance, if you want
    // to do maintenance functions after 03:00, set the value to 3.
    $maintenance_time = 2;

    // Enable or disable mail functions. If disabled, the digest,
    // mail confirmation & file mailing function is off
    $mail_functions_enabled = true;

    // The maximum size of file, which normal users can send to their mail (in kilobytes)
    // To disable this function (for normal users only), set size below zero
    $max_filesize_to_mail = 500;

    // Enable or disable account activation via e-mail.
    // These feature helps you check the e-mail address of registered user
    $require_email_confirmation = false;

    // Enable or disable language switching ability
    // Disable it if you have only one language installed.
    $allow_choose_language = true;

    // Max number of files listed in 'last uploads' section
    // Don't exceed, since the page load can be very slow
    $max_last_files = 10;

    // Max number of files listed in 'top downloads' section
    // Don't exceed, since the page load can be very slow

    segue il resto-------------->

  20. #20


    $max_topdownloaded_files = 10;

    // The mail header for digest (html code allowed)
    // You can configure it in the 'settings panel' (only administrator)

    // Default language, the language code of one element stored in 'languages' dir
    // Anonymous cant't configure this, so will ever use this language
    $dft_language = 'it';

    // Maximum allowed filesize to upload (Kilobytes)
    // Note: php.ini and server also have an upload size limit
    $max_allowed_filesize = 12048;

    // Maximum daily allowed Mb upload - set to number of Mb allowed daily.
    // Set to -1 if you wish not to have this forced.
    $max_daily_mb = -1;

    // Maximum monthly allowed Mb upload - set to number of Mb allowed monthly
    // Set to -1 if you wish not to have this forced
    $max_monthly_mb = -1;

    // Maximum daily download
    // Set to -1 if you wish not to have this enforced.
    $max_daily_download_mb = -1;

    // Maximum monthly download
    // Set to -1 if you wish not to have this enforced
    $max_monthly_download_mb = -1;

    // Format of date & time (in PHP time format, see
    $datetimeformat = 'd.m.Y H:i';

    // Max number chars for file and directory names
    $file_name_max_caracters = 150;

    // Max number chars for filename in tables
    $file_out_max_caracters = 40;

    // Max number chars for file comment (description)
    $comment_max_caracters = 300;

    // Reserved filename
    $reserved_files = "index\.html|^\.|\.desc$|\.dlcnt$";

    // Regular expression defines which files can't be uploaded
    // If you don't know what are regular expressions, don't touch this.
    // NOTE: due to a bug of Apache/PHP, php file with any extra double chars extension
    // are executed like normal php file. I.e. test.php.xx is executed as test.php
    // This is a big security hole, fixed by the following regular expression
    // If you add any extension please consider this bug and add the control to multiextension too
    $rejectedfiles = "^index\.|\.desc$|\.dlcnt$|\.php$|\.php\..*|\.php3 $|\.php3\..*|\.cgi\..*|\.cgi$|\.pl$\.pl\..*";

    // Show hidden files (like .htaccess, etc) and directories (see $hidden_dirs)
    $showhidden = false;

    // Hidden directories (regular expression) that won't be shown nor won't be
    // analized for digest, last uploads and top donwloads. Note that users can't
    // create dirs with an hidden name. Default value hides Fr*ntP*ge directories.
    $hidden_dirs = "^_vti_";

    // Header & Background colors of table, Font colors
    // Only the first skin in the array currently works!
    $skins = array(
    'bordercolor' => '#000000', // The table border color
    'headercolor' => '#4682B4', // The table header color
    'tablecolor' => '#F5F5F5', // The table background color
    'lightcolor' => '#FFFFFF', // Table date field color
    'headerfontcolor' => '#FFFFFF',
    'normalfontcolor' => '#000000',
    'selectedfontcolor' => '#4682B4',
    'bodytag' => "bgcolor=\"#E5E5E5\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#333333\" alink=\"#000000\""

    // Text font used in every page
    $font = 'Verdana';

    // Mimetypes, feel free to change the list but don't remove 'directory' and 'default'.
    // Make sure that the specified image exists in 'images' folder and follow
    // the existing structure
    $mimetypes = array (
    '.txt' => array('img' => 'txt.gif', 'mime' => 'text/plain'),
    '.html' => array('img' => 'html.gif', 'mime' => 'text/html'),
    '.htm' => array('img' => 'html.gif', 'mime' => 'text/html'),
    '.doc' => array('img' => 'doc.gif', 'mime' => 'application/msword'),
    '.pdf' => array('img' => 'pdf.gif', 'mime' => 'application/pdf'),
    '.xls' => array('img' => 'xls.gif', 'mime' => 'application/msexcel'),
    '.gif' => array('img' => 'gif.gif', 'mime' => 'image/gif'),
    '.jpg' => array('img' => 'jpg.gif', 'mime' => 'image/jpeg'),
    '.jpeg' => array('img' => 'jpg.gif', 'mime' => 'image/jpeg'),
    '.bmp' => array('img' => 'bmp.gif', 'mime' => 'image/bmp'),
    '.png' => array('img' => 'gif.gif', 'mime' => 'image/png'),
    '.zip' => array('img' => 'zip.gif', 'mime' => 'application/zip'),
    '.rar' => array('img' => 'rar.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-rar-compressed'),
    '.gz' => array('img' => 'zip.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-compressed'),
    '.tgz' => array('img' => 'zip.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-compressed'),
    '.z' => array('img' => 'zip.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-compress'),
    '.exe' => array('img' => 'exe.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-msdownload'),
    '.mid' => array('img' => 'mid.gif', 'mime' => 'audio/mid'),
    '.midi' => array('img' => 'mid.gif', 'mime' => 'audio/mid'),
    '.wav' => array('img' => 'wav.gif', 'mime' => 'audio/x-wav'),
    '.mp3' => array('img' => 'mp3.gif', 'mime' => 'audio/x-mpeg'),
    '.avi' => array('img' => 'avi.gif', 'mime' => 'video/x-msvideo'),
    '.mpg' => array('img' => 'mpg.gif', 'mime' => 'video/mpeg'),
    '.mpeg' => array('img' => 'mpg.gif', 'mime' => 'video/mpeg'),
    '.mov' => array('img' => 'avi.gif', 'mime' => 'video/quicktime'),
    '.swf' => array('img' => 'flash.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash'),
    '.gtar' => array('img' => 'rar.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-gtar'),
    '.tar' => array('img' => 'rar.gif', 'mime' => 'application/x-tar'),
    '.tiff' => array('img' => 'defaut.gif', 'mime' => 'image/tiff'),
    '.tif' => array('img' => 'defaut.gif', 'mime' => 'image/tiff'),
    '.rtf' => array('img' => 'doc.gif', 'mime' => 'application/rtf'),
    '.eps' => array('img' => 'defaut.gif', 'mime' => 'application/postscript'),
    '.ps' => array('img' => 'defaut.gif', 'mime' => 'application/postscript'),
    '.qt' => array('img' => 'avi.gif' , 'mime' => 'video/quicktime'),
    'directory' => array('img' => 'dossier.gif', 'mime' => ''),
    'default' => array('img' => 'defaut.gif', 'mime' => 'application/octet-stream')

    // Chars removed from filename and directory name for safety purposes
    // Avoid to modify it unless you are sure about what are you doing.
    $invalidchars = array (

    // Insert here IP addresses that are not allowed to access your site
    // Default values should not exist, but are present to show you how
    // insert them. If you want you can delete them.
    // Warning IP address in this list must be numerical!
    $ip_black_list = array (


  21. #21


    Questo è lo scirpt!

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