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Discussione: Can not Access into phpMyAdmin.!

  1. #1

    Predefinito Can not Access into phpMyAdmin.!

    Helloo everybody...many times i tray to access into phpmyadmin...I can't why? which password need for phpMyadmin...
    are is a possible to connect with phpMyadmin
    pls if anybody know that write .... I really thanxs you
    (sory for language- I dont know to speak Italian but I know to read )
    Prego risposta

  2. #2


    Tradurre in italiano (così più persone ti possono rispondere), grazie.
    Comunque devi accertarti che il tuo username sia scritto completamente in caratteri minuscoli e che tu abbia almeno un database di classe 1 attivo (N.B. che il classe 1 è gratuito).


  3. #3


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da fitimi
    (sory for language- I dont know to speak Italian but I know to read )
    Citazione Originalmente inviato da tryphpnuke
    Tradurre in italiano (così più persone ti possono rispondere), grazie.
    ma se l'ha anche scritto ke nn parla l'italiano...

  4. #4


    Ops... non avevo letto quella parte lì... scusa!
    Però riesce a leggere, giusto? Mi rispondo da solo: sì.


  5. #5


    ma se nn parla l'italiano il sito come lo fa?
    su altervista se nn sbaglio è obbligatorio avere il sito in italiano

  6. #6


    helloo everybody..! I have read all post...(no have problem if you speak italian)(if I'm obligatory to speak Italian I can't) I don't know to write exactly your language but I understand soon...If no have problem to tell me the problem why I can't access...?please don't hesitation.........i need

  7. #7


    devi attivare il database mysql da risorse e upgrades

  8. #8


    La password è la stessa dell'account
    The password is the same of the account

  9. #9


    when I tray to access into phpmyadin: I write my user name and password of FTP (my us&pas of subdomain)
    In next page show me this error:
    'Benvenuto in phpMyAdmin 2.6.2-pl1'
    'Nome utente o password errati. Accesso negato.'
    Ultima modifica di fitimi : 11-10-2005 alle ore 20.03.36

  10. #10


    you have activate the database mysql from the control panel??

  11. #11


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da SoulHome
    devi attivare il database mysql da risorse e upgrades

    what you think..! I have activation of the support htaccess in the _risorse e upgrades. But the class C no ...Attenzione
    Non hai abbastanza AlterCents per attivare gli upgrades richiesti
    Torna indietro hmmmmm what to do....

  12. #12


    per attivare il mysql devi disporre di altercent a sufficenza, puoi guadagnarli coi banner oppure comprarli con la carta di credito, si può fare pure per telefono, ma funziona solo se chiami dall'italia.

  13. #13


    hmmmm you think it's not freee

  14. #14
    L'avatar di heracleum
    heracleum non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione


    anyway, i suppose you know that a very poor knowledge of italian is a BIG problem for your account here on Altervista:
    - first of all because you have to be SURE that you are FULLY aware of the Rules of the community and hosting, which is called "regolamento" ( Specially about the content of your site, banner-ad placements, what is allowed and what is not..
    - concerning language, one of the strong requirement is the language accessibility of your site, which can feature all languages you want.. but it MUST definitely have a full version in italian language!

    So, before building your site up, you better be absolutely sure that you will be able to accomplish that. Will you?

    Keep in mind that submitting the "regolamento" (rules) page to a common online translator (such as Google Language Tools) will only produce some text to laugh about
    and absolutely nothing that can lead you to know the actual rules of Altervista.
    Here's an example of an online-translated first lines of it:
    Citazione Originalmente inviato da Google Translation
    REGULATIONS 1) THE SERVICE: 1.1 The registration happens a.tito it free and not impegnativo. 1.2 The service, in how much free one, e' to accept thus as it comes offered, AlterVista is engaged in the limits of its possibilita' to guarantee of qualita' and the continuita one '.

    It is absolutely impossible to understand a single concept that way.
    So try to evaluate if it is worth the try in advance, instead of ending up with your site closed.
    Avvertimento: richiedere in privato questioni tecniche produrrà inevitabilmente una supercazzola prematurata come risposta. (5 served)

  15. #15


    Helloo Moderator..!
    How I understand, you are to say I'm obligatory to know Italian Language, for registering one subdomain in
    I have read some rules in ur site but not at all, really you have big site and you offer good subdmain for public (no have banner, no have any marketing...the page its clean) But if you say Im obligatory to know and install Italian language in my web hmmmmm it;s not rightfully..
    I search help in your forum for my problem :acces in phpmyadmin: I ask somebody but if not is free...okey no problem,,, (how i understand the Italian language it;s my problem)
    Greetings from me.... and i hope you will undertand me,,

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