hai dimenticato qualche $ :)
in php le variabili devono sempre iniziare con $...
quindi nel tuo caso:
//user defined variables
$abpath = "/upload"; //Absolute path to where images are uploaded. No trailing slash
$sizelim = "yes"; //Do you want size limit, yes or no
$size = "3000000"; //What do you want size limited to be if there is one
//all image types to upload
$cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //Jpeg type 1
$cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //Jpeg type 2
$cert3 = "image/gif"; //Gif type
$cert4 = "image/ief"; //Ief type
$cert5 = "image/png"; //Png type
$cert6 = "image/tiff"; //Tiff type
se non ci metti il $ php le considera come costanti... ma le costanti si possono definire solo con define() e non con un assegnazione tramite =
There are three kinds of people in this world: people who watch things happen ... people who complain about things that happen ... and people who make things happen...