ho scaricato una chat in php che mi sembrava perfetta per il mio forum Phpbb su un database di livelli 2...

sto provando ad installarla ma non riesco bene a capire come fare...

il file readme dice questo:

| W e b C h a t |

1. Features:
WebChat is an chat application for JavaScript compatible web browsers.
- multiple rooms.
- no browser flicker between message translation.
- web based room management.
- private messages.
- emotions and text formating.

2. Requires:

Apache WebServer
Web Browser with JavaScript support

3. Install

3.1 Configure:

You need to create a MySQL database and to grant access to it.
This can be done from command line or web interface (ex. PHPMyAdmin)
create database chat;
grant all on chat.* to chat_user@localhost identified by 'yourpass';

Edit file defines.php and set database access:
var $Database = "chat";
var $User = "chat_user";
var $Password = "yourpass";

Set language of chat:
include ('./language/english.php');

3.2 Database structure & chat rooms:

Open install.php from your browser
( like http://yourserver/path/to/webchat/install.php )
This will try to create database structure

4. Edit chat rooms:

Go to http://yourserver/path/to/webchat/admin.
Login yourself with username and passord added at 2.2
Add / modify / remove chat rooms.

5. BUGS:
Please reports any bug at dt@webdev.ro

6. TODO:
- Add private rooms.
- Register users.
purtroppo mastico poco inglese e ancor meno a proposito del db.. so qualcosa del php....

Quello che volevo fare era integrare la chat con il mio db dimodochè il log in avvenisse con le informazioni del mio forum.

Spero di essere stato abbastanza chiaro
