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Discussione: info mysql

  1. #1

    Question help script php&mysql per attivazioni user


    ho impostato il mio account con mysql in questo modo:

    Classe 1: 0 AlterCents/mese (attivazione 500 AC), 100 queries/h

    Ultima modifica di avatargratis : 25-04-2005 alle ore 16.59.58

  2. #2


    In teoria sì, in pratica tutti i forum che trovi per la rete ti risulteranno innavigabili a causa delle poche queries messe a disposizione dalla classe 1.
    Ma se devi mettere solo qualche script allora va bene.


  3. #3


    grazie mille! mi sapete consigliare qualke script automatico per le attivazioni degli utenti per accedere ad una loro area?

  4. #4


    cerca su con la parola password. ci sono molti script

  5. #5


    uffa è la mia prima volta con my sql.. qualcuno mi spiega come faccio ad istallare questo script?

  6. #6


    dunque... se conosci l'inglese le istruzioni sono queste:
    1. Open your DB Manager and execute createdb.sql. You are not required to
    include createdb.sql in your online folder since it is only needed
    once, during database creation.

    2. Edit authconfig.php and set the values to reflect your host's
    configuration. If you are going to use vAuthenticate out
    of the box, it is recommended that you only edit the DB
    settings in the authconfig.php. Later on, when you are ready
    to deploy it in your site, edit the failed and success
    paths in authconfig.php to reflect the path to your failed
    and success pages.

    3. Edit auth.php and edit the lines with var such that it reflects
    that of your web host. Note that this is the same with the
    DB Settings in authconfig.php

    4. If you are going to use vAuthenticate in your existing site, be sure
    to take note of this:
    a. The file where your login page (the one with the username and
    password text box) should contain the include statement similar
    to the ones found in login.php.
    b. The form action should also be the same with that of login.php
    (which is vAuthenticate.php) because this calls the results page
    which in turn calls and makes use of the auth.php class.
    c. The username text box MUST have name="username" and the password
    textbox should have name="password". Take note of the case. All
    names are in small caps. vAuthenticate will NOT work if you set
    the name of the username and password fields to any other name.

    5. Unlike the previous versions of vAuthenticate, starting from version 2.8,
    vAuthenticate.php makes use of Javascript redirection instead of
    PHP include statements to point the user to the proper page.

    6. All files under the admin folder must remain that way. The admin folder
    itself MUST reside inside the folder where vAuthenticate is located.
    Although you can change this in authconfig.php, it is not recommended
    to change the line unless you know a great deal about server side
    includes and pathname resolution.

    7. OPTIONAL: Edit check.php so that you can customize the look of the error
    message to display when an illegal access using direct method is used
    on files. Be sure to change only the HTML part of the file unless you know
    what you are doing.

    8. Upload all files (see Package Content for details) in ASCII to any
    directory as long as the success and failed pages are properly
    taken into consideration (see authconfig.php for path revisions).
    per l'amministrazione sono invece queste:
    After installation, 2 new table named "authuser" and "authgroup"
    should have been created including the built-in users and groups.
    Follow the instructions below to administer vAuthenticate.

    1. Go the the login page of the website.

    2. Login as "sa" and enter the password. (Upon installation, the
    password of all users is "access")

    1. After loggin in, click on Users in the top menu of the admin
    home page.
    2. Enter the details. Take note of messages which would be given
    by the system regarding your entry.
    3. If you have already entered a user or modified one but still
    want to enter another, click on the "Add New" button.

    1. Click on the desired username on the user list found at the
    right side of the user administration area
    2. Modify the information. If you leave the password field blank,
    this will mean that you don't want to change the member's
    password. If you enter something in the password field,
    this will be the member's new password.
    3. Press Modify button to save changes

    1. Click on the desired username on the user list found at the
    right side of the user administration area
    2. Press Delete button to remove user

    1. Either:
    a. Click on the link named Add beside the team drop-down list
    in the user administration area


    b. Click on the Groups link on the top menu.
    2. Enter the info needed.

    1. Click on the desired team name on the team list found at the
    right side of the team administration area
    2. Modify the information
    3. Press Modify button to save changes
    4. Making a team inactive automatically makes ALL users in the
    team to be inactivated

    1. Click on the desired team name on the team list found at the
    right side of the team administration area
    2. Press Delete button remove the group.
    3. Deleting a team automatically makes all members of the team
    a member of Ungrouped.

    * USAGE
    ALL records in the authuser table contains the following info:
    1. id (use $check['id'] to get the unique id) - this is used for sorting
    purposes only and can be used as an alternative primary key
    2. username (use $check['uname'] to get the username) - this is the
    username of the member
    3. password (use $check['passwd'] to get the passwd) - this is the
    password of the member
    4. team (use $check['team'] to get the team name) - this is the
    teamname of the member
    5. level (use $check['level'] to get the level) - this is the
    level of the member
    6. status (use $check['status'] to get the status) - this is the
    status of the member which can either be active or inactive
    7. lastlogin (use $check['lastlogin'] to get the last login date and time) -
    this is a timestamp on the last lagin date and time of a member.
    8. logincount (use $check['logincount'] to get count) - this is a
    counter which increments everytime a member/admin logs in.

    For example, login to the members area as a member and you'll see that there
    there are 2 examples provided. One is to restrict by level and the
    other is to restrict by group.

    You may use auth.php to automatically add users to the DB from your
    existing signup form. BUT, to do this, you would need to have an
    understanding of what auth.php returns for each transaction
    you make. For more info regarding this, check out AuthClass.txt

    To secure pages, you would need to add the following lines on top of the pages
    you want to secure:

    include_once ("path/to/auth.php");
    include_once ("path/to/authconfig.php");
    include_once ("path/to/check.php");

    where path/to/ refers to the path of the files relative to the current
    directory of the file being secured. For an example, please see
    page2.php. If you haven' logged in yet or have logged in using a
    wrong username and password, you will get an Illegal Access
    error on page2.php. However, if you have logged in successfully
    and without closing the browser, you tried accessing page2.php,
    you'll notice that you can see the message (2 to 3 lines) in the file.

    Take note that adding those "include lines" on top of your secured pages only
    facilitate in checking of the username and password combination stored
    in the cookie. This is to protect it from direct file access. If you want to add
    the necessary authentication code that takes note of the rules
    (for example, only level 4 members can access this page; or only
    members from the Friends group/team are allowed to see this page) that
    you've made to be available in this file too, you would have to add something
    like the following on top of your secured pages:

    include_once ("path/to/auth.php");
    include_once ("path/to/authconfig.php");
    include_once ("path/to/check.php");

    // Check for permission to view this page
    if ($check['level'] != 4)
    print "<font face=\"Arial\" size=\"5\" color=\"#FF0000\">";
    print "<b>Illegal Access</b>";
    print "</font><br>";
    print "<font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"#000000\">";
    print "<b>You do not have permission to view this page.</b></font>";
    exit; // Stop script execution

    One thing to note: Usernames of level 1 cannot browse secured pages. To be
    be able to do this, it is recommended to create a new group called Browsers
    with new usernames that the admin users can use for browsing secured pages.
    vAuthenticate was made such that admin usernames are made specifically for
    security administration.
    se non conosci l'inglese... scrivi qui ciò che non hai capito.

  7. #7


    grazie mille per il supporto zampetta,ma cosa è il database manager? :(

  8. #8


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da avatargratis
    grazie mille per il supporto zampetta,ma cosa è il database manager? :(
    dove lo hai visto database manager?

  9. #9


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da zampetta
    1. Open your DB Manager and execute createdb.sql. You are not required to
    include createdb.sql in your online folder since it is only needed
    once, during database creation.
    vedi dice db manager!
    Ultima modifica di avatargratis : 23-04-2005 alle ore 15.21.24

  10. #10


    ah... devi accedere tramite phpmyadmin al tuo db e caricare il file .sql facendo clic sul nome del tuo db sulla sinistra e poi su sql in alto

  11. #11


    sei stato gentilissimo! sono al 90% del lavoro (ho creato database,sn acceduto cm admin etc..)... ho fatto tutto,sono acceduto come admin aggiunto utenti etc... ma non possono registrarsi da soli? e poi,io vorrei ke i registrati andassero in una pagina fatta da me..
    Ultima modifica di avatargratis : 23-04-2005 alle ore 15.44.07

  12. #12


    dovresti poter mandare ad una pagina che vuoi tu e anche far registrare gli utenti in modo automatico. leggi il file readme. nella pagina protetta però devi mettere lo script che impedisce l'accesso se non si è loggati

  13. #13


    mi sapresti dire cosa dice? questo è il file Authclass ke da quando dice il readme serve per imparare come mettere il fatto ke si registrano automatico.. ps:cmq ho messo il secure code
    ecco cosa dice:
    File: AuthClass.txt
    Script Name: vAuthenticate 3.0.1
    Author: Vincent Ryan Ong

    vAuthenticate is a revolutionary authentication script which uses
    PHP and MySQL for lightning fast processing. vAuthenticate comes
    with an admin interface where webmasters and administrators can
    create new user accounts, new user groups, activate/inactivate
    groups or individual accounts, set user level, etc. This may be
    used to protect files for member-only areas. vAuthenticate
    uses a custom class to handle the bulk of insertion, updates, and
    deletion of data. This class can also be used for other applications
    which needs user authentication.

    This script is a freeware but if you want to give donations,
    please send your checks (coz cash will probably be stolen in the
    post office) them to:

    Vincent Ryan Ong
    Rm. 440 Wellington Bldg.
    655 Condesa St. Binondo, Manila
    Philippines, 1006

    ************************************************** ********************
    auth.cls Class Description
    ************************************************** ********************
    Class name: auth

    Functions available:
    - authenticate ($username, $password)
    - page_check ($username, $password)
    - modify_user ($username, $password, $team, $level, $status)
    - delete_user ($username)
    - add_user ($username, $password, $team, $level, $status, '', 0)
    - add_team ($teamname, $teamlead, $status)
    - modify_team ($teamname, $teamlead, $status)
    - delete_team ($teamname)

    1. authenticate

    This function is the usually the first one encountered because
    this provides the authentication and matching of the username
    and password fields

    UPON SUCCESS: return row information
    UPON FAILURE: return false

    2. page_check

    This function is the one that checks acess to pages via direct
    or indirect method. This checks the username and password in
    the cookie and matches them with the one in the DB to ensure
    maximum security.

    UPON SUCCESS: return row information
    UPON FAILURE: return false

    3. modify_user

    This function makes the changes to the user details in the DB
    such that it would conform with the ones entered in the form

    LEVEL IS BLANK: return "blank level"
    PASSWORD IS BLANK: does not modify the saved password
    "sa" is set to "inactive": return "sa" cannot be inactivated"
    "admin" is set to "inactive": return "admin" cannot be inactivated"
    UPON SUCCESS: return 1

    4. delete_user

    This function deletes a user from authuser table.

    Delete "sa": return "User sa cannot be deleted.";
    Delete "admin": return "User admin cannot be deleted.";
    Delete "test": return "User test cannot be deleted.";
    UPON SUCCESS OR FAILURE: return database error [ mysql_error() ]

    5. add_user

    This function adds a new user to the database table

    username is blank: return "blank username"
    level is blank: return "blank level"
    username already exists: "username exists"
    UPON SUCCESS: returns 1 [ mysql_affected_rows() ]

    6. add_team

    This function adds a new team to the table

    teamname is blank: return "blank team name"
    teamname already exists: return "group exists"
    UPON SUCCESS: returns 1 [ mysql_affected_rows() ]

    7. modify_team

    This function edits the current team info and updates it. If the status of
    a team is set to inactive, all members under that team automaticall
    becomes inactive too.

    Admin team set to inactive: return "Admin team cannot be inactivated."
    Ungrouped team set to inactive: return "Ungrouped team cannot be inactivated."
    UPON SUCCESS: return 1

    8. delete_team

    This function deletes a user group from the database. Once successful,
    every member of the deleted group automatically becomes Ungrouped, meaning,
    a part of the team "Ungrouped"

    delete Admin team: return "Admin team cannot be deleted."
    delete Ungrouped team: return "Ungrouped team cannot be deleted."
    delete Temporary team: return "Temporary team cannot be deleted."
    UPON SUCCESS OR FAILURE: return database error [ mysql_error() ]

    1. Include the class
    example: include("auth.php");

    2. create a new instance of the class
    example: $sample = new auth();

    3. use the functions: syntax:
    $variable = $instance->function([parameter values]);

    example: $test = $sample->add_user("user1","secret","Team A","5","active", '', 0)
    -- see Functions Available to get list of functions and their parameters
    -- The second to the last parameter is the lastlogin field. This should be left blank
    upon addition/insertion of new member
    -- The last parameter is the logincount field. This should also be left blank upon
    addition/insertion of new member
    quindi ke codice devo mettere in quale pagina?
    Ultima modifica di avatargratis : 23-04-2005 alle ore 18.30.20

  14. #14


    pls aiutatemi :( ho quasi fatto tutto mi serve solo questo

  15. #15


    è tutto scritto... cosa non ti è chiaro?

  16. #16


    nn ho capito come farli registrare in auto.. nel readme dice ke devo sapere quello ke dice il file authclass.txt .. cioè dice precisamente
    You may use auth.php to automatically add users to the DB from your
    existing signup form. BUT, to do this, you would need to have an
    understanding of what auth.php returns for each transaction
    you make. For more info regarding this, check out AuthClass.txt

  17. #17


    ma mettendo i file hai fatto la prova se la registrazione avviene già in automatico? dovrebbe essere impostato in modo che avvenga in automatico...

    EDIT: mi puoi dire il link di dove hai messo lo script per la registrazione?
    Ultima modifica di zampetta : 25-04-2005 alle ore 16.10.01

  18. #18


    tutti i file dello script sono in:

    poi l'area dove ho messo il secure code si trova a:

    edit: cmq se mi loggo tramite e poi vado ad area.php nn serve a niente!
    Ultima modifica di avatargratis : 25-04-2005 alle ore 16.41.07

  19. #19


    ora ho creato un account utente con nick:gino e password:gino
    se accede va a questa pagina:

    ekko l'immagine.. forse devo solo sostituire la pagina mia con quella index.php di members?

    ecco l'immagine Se accedo come user cmq:

  20. #20


    no, non devi sosituire quella pagina... ma che cos'è il secur code (io non so com'è lo script, speicifica! )

  21. #21


    ah hihihi cmq è il codice ke serve per ristringere l'accesso solo a ki è registrato in modo tale da rikiedere il login prima.. ma xkè va a quella pagina se accedo come utente? uff è la prima volta ke istallo na cosa cosi complicata se sapete kome aiutarmi sarei grato..

  22. #22


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da avatargratis
    ah hihihi cmq è il codice ke serve per ristringere l'accesso solo a ki è registrato in modo tale da rikiedere il login prima.. ma xkè va a quella pagina se accedo come utente? uff è la prima volta ke istallo na cosa cosi complicata se sapete kome aiutarmi sarei grato..
    allora cambia lo script! no, dai, scherzo...
    hai seguito correttamente le istruzione del readme? accedendo come utente da te specificato vedo l pagina che vedi tu ma non funzionano operazioni di logout e di cambia password dato che non hai settato correttamente gli URL...

    andando all'area riservata esce un messaggio che ti comunica che non sei loggato... devi aver sbagliato qualcosa nella configurazione... cosa hai fatto esattamente per installarlo?

  23. #23


    allor allor :P saro' un po' lunghetto ,ti dico quello ke ho fatto in base a kome dicevano i punti 123etc del readmeXD

    1)ho aperto phpmyadmin e ho messo la tabbella (messa correttamente)
    2)ho configurato il file authconfig.php e ho messo i dati del mio database mysql dove li rikiedeva
    3)ho fatto lo stesso con auth.php
    4) non l'ho capito cosa dice ma non credo niente di importante
    5)Non era importante
    7)ho modificato la pagina di errore quando non sei loggato (quella ke dici tu se vai a area.php
    8)nn importante

    poi riguardo alle note dell'admin ho messo solo il secure code nella pagina area.php (quella ke devo usare)
    per il resto nn ho fatto niente oltre ad aver aggiunto qualke utente manualmente per provare o qualcosa simile..
    cmq il punto ke mi interessa è questo:
    You may use auth.php to automatically add users to the DB from your
    existing signup form. BUT, to do this, you would need to have an
    understanding of what auth.php returns for each transaction
    you make. For more info regarding this, check out AuthClass.txt
    dice come aggiungere utenti automaticamente nel dataase dal form esistente
    pero' dice ke per farlo devi sapere cosa auth.php ritorna per le transizioni ke fai.. per ulteriori informazioni guarda il file authclass.txt

    tu ke dici?

  24. #24


    :( pls helppp senno' mi sa ke devo cmabiare veramente script!

  25. #25


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da avatargratis
    :( pls helppp senno' mi sa ke devo cmabiare veramente script!
    questa mi sembra una buona idea a questo punto ... cercane uno più semplice che faccia tutto in automatico: questo per esempio

    fra l'altro non necessita di database mysql...

  26. #26


    wa nn necessita nemmeno di database! lol lo provo e t faccio sapere eheh grazie e scusa per tutti sti scassamenti di @@

  27. #27


    nn funzia.. anke quando mi arrivano i dati per email dice quando faccio il login ke nn trova l'utente.. ho fatto tt bene!
    provate voi

  28. #28


    ho controllato l'effettivo funzionamento dello script... sul tuo sito non funziona mentre sul sito di supporto il login viene effettuato correttamente. questa volta hai sbagliato qualcosa tu....

  29. #29


    lol ma cosa ho sbagliato sta volta? vabbè controllo il codice dallo script del sito XD

  30. #30


    raga scusate mi servirebbe una cosa ho perso i dati del me li riuscite a trovare m eli potete mandare a sta mail? anticipato!

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