Ieri è uscita la nuova versione di phpBB!!! :P

E' Altamente consigliato l'aggiornamento.

Novità (dalla v2.0.3):
  • - Fixed cross-browser scripting issue with highlight param
    - Back-ported highlighting code from phpBB 2.2
    - Add session id validation to posting, profile, email, voting - Edwin van Vliet
    - Added {S_HIDDEN_FIELDS} template var to profile_send_email.tpl
    - Added "intval" fix for flood check, may resolve some issues
    - Added missing index to post_id for search_wordmatch
    - Fixed spelling error in search add words preventing use of stopword list
    - Fixed issue with search common words not being run
    - Introduce viewtopic resync patch by Ashe
    - Replace a for n in templating code
    - Fixed ordering in memberslist
    - Fixed group_id sequence issues with pgsql and msaccess
    - Fixed assumption of word censors in user notification
    - Fixed incorrect display of quotes in user management fields
    - Fixed entry of special chars in all profile fields - note this may cause temporary issues
    - Fixed incorrect display of quotes when using avatar gallery
    - Fixed missing username in email sent to users when admin activated
    - Added check for non-empty smiley code and url in smiley admin
    - Prevent display of -- sig seperator in emails when no board sig exists
    - Fixed URL propagated sid issues with jumpbox
    - Fixed wrong mode name check (polldelete) in functions_post
    - Add issing root path to l10n image path check
    - Remove validation of fields when deleting a user
    - Fixed sort mode select box in memberslist to default to current mode
    - Deny inline topic review listing to users without auth_read permissions
    - Prevent display of topic notification checkbox if user cannot read forum
    - Remove incorrect pre-pending of IP to uploaded avatars
    - Fixed deletion of uploaded avatars when changing to remote/gallery
    - Added check for non-blank line during install schema/basic sql ops
    - Added sort ordering to Top Ten poster listing by request
    - Fixed incorrect error report when altering case of username
    - Added jumpbox output to modcp {JUMPBOX} will now work
    - Fixed non-updating of users with MOD levels when deleting a forum
    - Remove email to group moderator when approving new members
    - Fixed non-handling of HTML in poll options
    - Fixed non-deletion of polls when deleting forum and its posts
    - Fixed moved shadow topic from being bumped upon reply
    - Changed field size of timezone to decimal(5,2) where applicable
    - Fixed missing sid append to URL when redirecting to newest reply
    - Fixed missing slashes in private IP preg check
    - Fixed session not setting userdata['user_id'] to ANON as appropriate
    - Added check for non-empty name in disallow admin
    - Fixed validation of SSL website addresses in profile
    - Fixed inability of admins to upload avatars via user admin panel
    - Fixed non-deletion of private message text upon full box overwrite
    - Fixed incorrect error message in smiley admin
    - Fixed incorrect alt-text for "Stop Watching Topic" image
    - Temporary fix for missing lang strings in forum admin translators should update their packages if not done already
    - Use selected localisation during later stages of installation
    - Fixed non-check of permissions when deleting a topic via Moderator Control Panel
    - Fixed non-update of banlist upon user deletion
    - Check approved users boxes by default in usergroup approve form
    - Fixed non-appending of sid to backup meta refresh
    - Fixed non-notification of no support for certain databases in backup/restore
    - Added $images var to message die global declaration
    - Fixed wrong string, Private_message in Private Messaging
    - Add mail send result to error output
    - Fixed non-appending of sid to Mozilla nav bar menu items
    - Fixed incorrect profile linking from MSNM url in private messaging
    - Grammatical errors in English lang_main fixed - Cluster
    - Allow deletion of avatar and simultaneous upload/linking/gallery election
    - Fixed non-updating of user rank when changing from special to normal rank in rank admin
    - Changed user topic notification default in schemas to 0 (off)
    - Fixed non-XHTML compliant img tags in privmsg.php
    - Fixed non-deletion of announcements and polls when removing forum contents in forum admin
    - Fixed non-pruning of watched topics table when pruning related topics
    - Enable GET redirect on logout
    - Added check for IE6.x to viewtopic ICQ indicator javascript
    - Fixed empty username quoting with MS-SQL
    - Fixed BBCode url, magic url and img tags to allow most chars beyond domain names
    - Prevent parsing of -ve size values in BBCode size tag
    - Back ported HTML handler from 2.2, this may impact some boards which allow complex HTML - existing parser remains but commented out
    - Fixed parsing of word censors to not censor words within < and > tag delimiters
    - Fixed database utilities failing to backup data with MySQL
    - Fixed signature parsing in User Admin
    - Fixed missing class="post" tags in subSilver Admin templates
    - Fixes for paths under Apache2
    - Added wrap text with tag support for posting in Mozilla 1.1+
    - Fixed use of missing CSS classes in modcp_split, group_info_body, error_body and agreement
    - Fixed ability of users to edit polls even after they have received votes
    - Fixed header Location to be absolute URL as per HTTP 1.1 spec - noted by PhilippK
    - Added additional session_id checks to MCP, topic subscription, PM and similar items
    - Fixed colour select box in posting_body to reset to Default colour after selection
    - Altered PM icon to show new image until messages have been read
    - Fixed incomplete deletion of PMs when removing the associated user
    - Fixed unread and new PM user counters to decrement appropriately in all situations
    - Fixed possible cross-site scripting issue with username search
    - Fixed some problems with gzip in combination with newer PHP versions and Mozilla
    - Fixed wrong maxlength in modcp_split.tpl subject field
    - Fixed inability to edit username of guest poster - vHiker
    - Fixed ability for guests to post with certain registered usernames
    - Fixed various HTML issues to improve XHTML compliance - Daz
    - Fixed missing template var {L_PM} for memberslist - Daz
    - Fixed wrong key name for $images['Topic_un_watch'] - Daz
    - Fixed missing template var {S_WATCH_TOPIC_IMG} for viewtopic - Daz
    - Fixed missing default constraints for post table under MSSQL
    - Fixed incorrect field size for forum pruning - preventing days > 256
    - Fixed continuing redirect issues for broken web servers, e.g. IIS+CGI PHP
    - Fixed inability to use ftp as a protocol for the [img] tag
    - Fixed incorrect handling of [img] tags containing %20 encoded spaces
    - Added check for . within cookie_name, change to _ if present
    - Added SHOW_ONLINE constant to limit "users online" code operation to index and viewforum
    - Added "temporary" workaround for Apache2 + PHP module ignoring "private" cache header
    - Added workaround for modcp IP lookup and links to Anonymous user profile
    - Fixed broken bbcode parsing of quotes containing bbcode in the "username"
    - Fixed excess slashes in [quote] first pass encoding
    - Fixed rendering issue with quote button under Mozilla - Daz
    - Grammatical errors in remaining core lang files fixed - Cluster
    - Fixed bbcode quote breaking when username contained ] before [
    - Fixed duplicate group_id error during upgrade of users from phpBB 1.x
    - Fixed stripslashes() problem with the conversion of the config table from phpBB 1.x
    - Rejiggled validation code, may eliminate "Username disallowed" issues
    - Fixed differing initial "public" setting of forum permissions between different files
    - Added check for invalid (non-compliant) email addresses to upgrade script
    - Further redirect workarounds for broken servers, please direct further issues to the vendors
    - Added GMT + 13 to English lang_main, all translators are encouraged to do likewise
    - Added switch to default_lang email template if user lang template no longer exists
    - Fixed javascript error when selecting smiley containing a single quote
    - Update users watched topic if a post they made is split into a new topic
    - Fixed situations where email templates contain incorrect or missing subject lines
    - Fixed error when searching for posts and no forums exist
    - Fixed potential SQL vulnerability with marking of private messages - Ulf Harnhammar

  • - phpBB 2.0.4 [ Pacchetto Completo ]
    - phpBB 2.0.4 [ Solo Files Modificati ]
    - phpBB 2.0.4 [ Solo Patch ]
    - Lingua Italiana 2.0.4
    - Stile "SubSilver" Italiano 2.0.4

Installazione: by
  • - Decomprima in un archivio locale il file zip.
    - Nel suo server crei una cartella nominata ( forum ) [Opzionale].
    - Ora faccia l'upload di tutte le cartelle di phpBB, nella cartella appena costruita( forum ).
    - Quando tutti i file sono stati inviati apra il suo browser e scriva questo indirizzo
    - Ha questo punto lei avrà la schermata di configurazione ma faccia bene attenzione hai prossimi passi che sono anche i più importanti.
    - Default board language: ( selezioni la lingua Italiana ).
    - Database Type: "MySQL"
    - Choose your installation method: ( lasci la dicitura install ).
    - Database Server Hostname / DSN: "localhost".
    - Your Database Name: my_utente
    - Database Username: il tuo AV nick.
    - Database Password: la tua AV password
    - Prefix for tables in database: ( lasci questa dicitura " phpbb_ ").
    - Admin Email Address: ( metta la sua email ).
    - Domain Name: "".
    - Server Port: ( lasci 80, solitamente va bene ).
    - Script path: ( lasci la dicitura " /phpBB2/ " ).
    - Administrator Username: ( metta il nome che vuole come amministratore non dimentichi questo le servirà per accedere al suo pannello di controllo ).
    - Administrator Password: ( metta una password, non dimentichi questa le servirà per l'accesso al pannello di controllo ).
    - Administrator Password [ Confirm ]: ( confermi la password ).
    - Clicchi Start Install.
    - Se tutto è andato a buon fine le verra chiesto di scaricare il file config.php
    - Lo scarichi in locale e subito lo invi al suo server nella cartella forum sovrascrivendo il vecchio file.
    - A questo punto torni nel suo browser e digiti avrai il tuo phpBB nuovo di zecca!!!.
    - Si ricordi che una volta ultimata l'installazione, vanno cancellati ( install.php ).

Installazione Lingua Italiana: by
  • - Decomprima in un archivio locale i 2 file zip.
    - Ora faccia l'upload della cartella ( lang_italian ) all'interno della cartella ( language ).
    - Ora faccia l'upload della cartella ( lang_italian "cartella delle immagini") all'interno della cartella ( templates\subSilver\images).
    - Adesso dovremo settare il nostro forum con la lingua Italiana, quindi andiamo sul pannello di Controllo.
    - Nella sezione ( Amministrazione Generale ) clicchi sulla voce ( Configurazione ).
    - Sposti il selettore ( Linguaggio di Default ) nella lingua Italiana.
    - A questo punto il linguaggio e stato installato correttamente ma se lei ancora vede il forum in lingua inglese, vada sul suo profilo e anche li aggiori il nuovo linguaggio.

Maggiori INFO:
  • - : Supporto italiano
    - : Supporto in inglese e Aggiornamenti (MOD)