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Discussione: Prob con PHPDIG

  1. #1


    Stavo installando nel mio sito il motore di ricerca interno...finita l'installazione sono subito andato a fare la indicizzazione automatica del sito con il robot spider ecco il risultato:

    Warning: fsockopen() has been disabled for security reasons in /membri/eternity6/phpdig/phpdig_functions.php3 on line 175

    Warning: fsockopen() has been disabled for security reasons in /membri/eternity6/phpdig/phpdig_functions.php3 on line 175

    Warning: fsockopen() has been disabled for security reasons in /membri/eternity6/phpdig/phpdig_functions.php3 on line 175
    livello 0 : 0 ulteriori link

    mhhh credo sia dovuto al fatto che altervista giri in safemode...C'è un modo per agirare il problema? Vi rimando qui il codice del file che segnala errore grazie in anticipo:

    // -------------PHPDIG-1.0-----------
    // Here are functions used by phpdig
    // Separed in sections
    // Antoine Bajolet

    //-------------STRING FUNCTIONS

    //converts an iso date to an mysql date
    function http_to_sqldate($date)
    global $month_names;
    if (eregi('(([a-z]{3})\, ([0-9]{1,2}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-9:]{8}) ([a-z]+))',$date,$regs))
    $month = sprintf('%02d',$month_names[strtolower($regs[4])]);
    $year = sprintf('%04d',$regs[5]);
    $day = sprintf('%02d',$regs[3]);
    $hour = sprintf('%06d',str_replace(':','',$regs[6]));
    return "$year$month$day$hour";
    //returns a localized string
    function msg($string='')
    global $phpdig_mess;
    return nl2br($phpdig_mess[$string]);

    //print a localized string
    function pmsg($string='')
    global $phpdig_mess;
    print nl2br($phpdig_mess[$string]);

    //load the common words in an array
    function common_words($file='')
    $lines = @file($file);
    if (is_array($lines))
    while (list($id,$word) = each($lines))
    $common[trim($word)] = 1;
    $common['aaaa'] = 1;
    return $common;

    //highlight a string part
    function highlight($word="",$string="")
    if ($word)
    return @eregi_replace("($word)","<B>\\1</B>",$string);
    return $result;

    //replace all characters with an accent
    function stripaccents($chaine)
    return( strtr( $chaine,
    "ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúû üÿÑñ",
    "AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeCcIIIIiiiiUUUUuuu uyNn" ) );

    //epure a string from all non alnum words (words can contain & and _ character)
    function epure_text($text,$min_word_length=2)
    $text = stripaccents(strtolower ($text));
    $text = ereg_replace("[[:blank:]][0-9]+[[:blank:]]"," ",ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:]_&]+"," ",$text));
    $text = ereg_replace("[[:blank:]][^ ]{1,$min_word_length}[[:blank:]]"," "," ".$text." ");
    return trim(ereg_replace("[[:blank:]]+"," ",$text));

    //advanced striptags function.
    //returns text and title
    function html_to_plain_text($text)
    global $spec;

    //replace blank characters by spaces
    $text = ereg_replace("[\r\n\t]+"," ",$text);
    //extracts title
    if ( eregi("<title>([^<>]*)</title>",$text,$regs) )
    $title = $regs[1];
    $title = "";
    //delete content of head, script, and style tags
    $text = eregi_replace("<head[^<>]*>.*</head>"," ",$text);
    $text = eregi_replace("<script[^>]*>.*</script>"," ",$text);
    $text = eregi_replace("<style[^>]*>.*</style>"," ",$text);
    $text = eregi_replace("(<[a-z0-9 ]+>)","\\1 ",eregi_replace("(</[a-z0-9 ]+>)","\\1 ",$text));

    //tries to replace htmlentities by ascii equivalent
    reset ($spec);
    while ($char = each($spec))
    $text = eregi_replace ($char[0]."[;]?",$char[1],$text);
    $title = eregi_replace ($char[0]."[;]?",$char[1],$title);
    $text = ereg_replace('&#([0-9]+);',chr('\1').' ',$text);

    //replace blank characters by spaces
    $text = ereg_replace("[\r\n\t]+"," ",$text);
    $text = eregi_replace("--|[{}();\"]+"," ",eregi_replace("</[a-z0-9]+>"," ",$text));

    //replace any group of blank characters by an unique space
    $text = ereg_replace("[[:blank:]]+"," ",strip_tags($text));
    $retour['content'] = $text;
    $retour['title'] = $title;
    return $retour;

    //purify urls from relative components like ./ or ../ and return an array
    function url_purify($eval)
    //delete special links
    if (eregi("[/]?mailto[/]?javascript[/]?news:",$eval))
    return -1;

    $url = @parse_url($eval);

    $path = str_replace("./","",ereg_replace("^[.]/","",ereg_replace("^[.]{2}/.*",'NOMATCH',ereg_replace("[^/]*/[.]{2}/","",ereg_replace("^[.]/","",ereg_replace("/+","/",$url['path']))))));

    if (eregi('([^/]+)$',$path,$regs))
    $file = $regs[1];
    $path = str_replace($file,"",$path);

    $retour['path'] = ereg_replace('(.*[^/])/?$','\\1/',ereg_replace('^/(.*)','\\1',ereg_replace("/+","/",$path)));

    if ($url['query'])
    $file .= "?".$url['query'];
    $retour['as_query'] = 1;

    $retour['file'] = $file;

    //path outside site tree
    if ($retour['path'] == "NOMATCH" or ereg("^redir[.]php3.*",$file))
    return -1;

    return $retour;

    //-------------HTTP FUNCTIONS
    //Test presence and type of an url
    function test_url($url,$mode='simple')
    global $phpdig_version;
    $components = parse_url($url);
    $host = $components["host"];
    $port = (int)$components["port"];
    $path = $components["path"];
    $query = $components["query"];

    if (!$port)
    $cport = 80;

    $fp = fsockopen($host,$cport);
    if ($port)
    $port = ":".$port;
    $port ="";

    if (!$fp) {
    //host domain not found
    $status = "NOHOST";
    else {

    if ($query)
    $path .= "?".$query;

    //small get
    /*$req =
    "GET $path HTTP/1.1
    Host: $host$port

    $req = "

    //complete get
    $request =
    "GET $path HTTP/1.1
    Host: $host$port
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1
    Accept-Encoding: identity
    User-Agent: PhpDig/$phpdig_version (PHP; MySql)

    $answer = fgets($fp,4096);
    //test return code
    if (ereg("([2-3])[0-9]{2}", $answer,$regs) )
    $code = $regs[1];
    while ($answer)
    if ($req1)
    $cur_req = $req1;
    $cur_req = $req;

    $answer = fgets($fp,4096);

    //parse header location
    if (ereg("Location: *(.*)",$answer,$regs) && $code == 3)
    $redirs ++;
    if ($redirs > 4)
    $answer = "";
    $status = "LOOP";
    $path = $regs[1];
    $newurl = parse_url($path);

    if (!$newurl['host'] || $host == $newurl['host'])
    $req1 = "GET ".$newurl["path"]." HTTP/1.1
    Host: $host$port

    //Parse content-type header
    elseif (eregi("Content-Type: *(text/[a-z]*)",$answer,$regs))
    if ($regs[1] == "text/html")
    $status = "HTML";
    elseif ($regs[1] == "text/")
    $boucle = 0;
    while($boucle < 3)
    $answer = fgets($fp,4096);
    //test presence of <html> tag at the begining
    if (eregi("<html",$answer))
    $status = "HTML";
    $boucle = 3;
    elseif ($regs[1] == "text/plain")
    // extension txt or other ?
    if (is_array($extregs) && !eregi('txt',$extregs[1]))
    $status = "TEXT";
    $status = "PLAINTEXT";
    $status = "TEXT";
    elseif (eregi('Last-Modified: *([a-z0-9,: ]+)',$answer,$regs))
    //search last-modified header
    $date = $regs[1];
    if (!eregi('[a-z0-9]+',$answer))
    $answer = "";
    //errors 400 and 500
    $status = "NOFILE";


    //returns variable or array
    if ($mode == 'date')
    $return['status'] = $status;
    $return['lm_date'] = $date;
    return $return;
    return $status;

    //retrieve links from an url
    function explore($url,$path="",$file ="")
    $index = 0;

    //tests the nofollow directive in robots tags
    if ((test_robots_tags(@get_meta_tags($url.$path.$file )) & 5) == 0)
    $file_content = @file($url.$path.$file);

    if (is_array($file_content))
    while (list($n,$eval) = each($file_content))
    //search hrefs and frames src
    while (eregi("(<frame[^>]*src|href)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[\'\"]?((([[a-z]{3,5}://)+(([.a-zA-Z0-9-])+(:[0-9]+)*))*([:%/?=&;\\,._a-zA-Z0-9-]*))[#\'\" ]?",$eval,$regs))
    $eval = str_replace($regs[0],"",$eval);
    //test no host or same than site
    if ($regs[5] == "" || $url == 'http://'.$regs[5].'/')
    if (substr($regs[8],0,1) == "/")
    $links[$index] = url_purify($regs[8]);
    $links[$index] = url_purify($path.$regs[8]);
    if (is_array($links[$index]))
    return $links;
    return -1;

    //test a link, search if is a file or dir, exclude robots.txt directives
    function detect_dir_html($link,$exclude='')
    $test = test_url($link['url'].$link['path'].$link['file']);

    if ($test == 'HTML' or $test == 'PLAINTEXT')
    $link['ok'] = 1;
    elseif (test_url($link['url'].$link['path'].$link['file'].'/') == "HTML")
    $link['path'] = ereg_replace ('/+$','/',$link['path'].$link['file'].'/');
    $link['file'] = "";
    $link['ok'] = 1;
    $link['ok'] = 0;

    //test the exclude with robots.txt
    if (test_robots($exclude,$link['path']) == 1 or $exclude['@ALL@'] == 1)
    $link['ok'] = 0;

    return $link;

    //search robots.txt for a site
    function test_robots_txt($site) //don't forget the end backslash
    if (test_url($site.'robots.txt') == 'PLAINTEXT')
    $robots = file($site.'robots.txt');
    while (list($id,$line) = each($robots))
    if (ereg('^user-agent:[ ]*([a-z0-9*]+)',strtolower($line),$regs))
    $user_agent = $regs[1];
    if (eregi('^disallow:[ ]*(/([a-z0-9_/-]*))',$line,$regs))
    if (!ereg('/$',$regs[2]))
    $regs[2] .= '/';

    if ($regs[1] == '/')
    $exclude[$user_agent]['@ALL@'] = 1;
    $exclude[$user_agent][$regs[2]] = 1;
    if (is_array($exclude['phpdig']))
    return $exclude['phpdig'];
    elseif (is_array($exclude['*']))
    return $exclude['*'];
    $exclude['@NONE@'] = 1;
    return $exclude;

    function test_robots($exclude,$path)
    if (ereg('^[a-z0-9_/-]+/$',$path,$regs))
    while (list($path_exclude) = each($exclude))
    if (ereg('^'.$path_exclude,$path))
    $result = 1;
    return $result;

    function test_robots_tags($tags)
    if (is_array($tags))
    while (list($id,$content) = each($tags))
    if (eregi('robots',$id))
    $directive = 0;

    if (eregi('nofollow',$content))
    $directive += 1;
    if (eregi('noindex',$content))
    $directive += 2;
    if (eregi('none',$content))
    $directive += 4;
    //test the bitwise return > 0 : & 5 nofollow, & 6 noindex.
    return $directive;
    Grazie in anticipo

  2. #2


    dimenticavo anche il non meno importante

    Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /membri/eternity6/phpdig/spider.php3 on line 9

    ....Lascio perdere il progetto?...Oppure carico le tabelle creandomele indicizzandomi il sito dalla versione che faccio girare sul mio PC?...In questo caso poi è possibile uppando il contenuto della tabella ad avere un risultato per lo meno simile?...

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