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Discussione: problema

  1. #1

    Predefinito problema

    questa è una mia pagina html
    <title>E-Placid - Home</title>
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    e dovrei inserire in questa pagina un cosice in php per le news, come faccio?
    ecco il codice
    A) Install instructions
    B) Changes from version to version

    A) Install instructions

    How to install EasyNews version 4.2

    1) Unzip the to your root directory so that you have
    a directory structure like this:

    root --> easynews --> newsfiles --> news.txt
    root --> easynews --> newsfiles --> news.dat
    root --> easynews --> newsfiles --> news.def
    root --> easynews --> newsfiles --> headlines.txt
    root --> easynews --> newsfiles --> arc.txt
    root --> easynews --> config.php
    root --> easynews --> config2.php
    root --> easynews --> easynews.php
    root --> easynews --> admin.php
    root --> easynews --> easynews_install.txt

    2) Upload the files to your webserver

    3) CHMOD 777 to:


    These are located in the newsfiles directory.

    And then CHMOD 777 to (located in the root easynews dir):


    4) Open up your webbrowser to:

    It will promt you for your username and password, enter in the values:
    username: admin and password: admin. Then goto: admin.php here you can edit config setting.

    note: You must build news after every edit or new post

    5) In the page you want the news displayed use this code (must be
    php file)

    <? include "./easynews/newsfiles/news.txt" ?>

    for headlines its

    <? include "./easynews/newsfiles/headlines.txt" ?>

    for the achive file its

    <? include "./easynews/newsfiles/arc.txt" ?>

    if your server support SSI you can use any webpage extension that uses
    it and then use this code

    <!-- #include file="easynews/newsfiles/news.txt" -->

    for headlines its

    <!-- #include file="easynews/newsfiles/headlines.txt" -->

    for the achive file its

    <!-- #include file="easynews/newsfiles/arc.txt" -->

    Save the file and your done!

    If you have any problems or suggestions for the next version goto:

    Thank you for downloading EasyNews!

    B) Changes from version to version

    v. 4.1
    - long post bug fixed

    v. 4.0
    - online admin panel
    - easier to use edit panel

    v. 3.0.2
    - time offset is fixed completly
    - easynews now runs smoothly on a windows server

    v. 3.0.1
    - fixed archiver

    v. 3.0.0
    - date and time are now 2 different fields
    - email address field added
    - 2 user levels: admin and normal
    - admins can edit all posts
    - normal users can only edit there own posts

    v. 2.2.2
    - improved time offset feature
    - improved main page showing what everything does
    - improved archiver that now actually saves to different file

    v. 2.2.1
    - time offset for news posts

    v. 2.2.0
    - ability to use headlines

    v. 2.1.0 beta 1
    - multiple users
    - users can only add/edit/delete posts with their username

    v. 2.0.1
    - ability to delete individual posts

    v. 2.0.0
    - news first stored in textual database then can be built from that
    using a template u can create
    - ability to edit each post individually
    grazie per l'aiuto

  2. #2


    uppo e konfido in voi!!

    grazie ankora

  3. #3


    hai unzippato i file?
    settato la password?

    spero di si...

    per inserire le news scegli dove metterle scrivendo
    <? include "./easynews/newsfiles/news.txt" ?>
    la pagina deve avere estensione PHP!

    altrimenti usa SSI (mi pare che sia possibile su AV) inserendo
    <!-- #include file="easynews/newsfiles/news.txt" -->
    nella pagina HTML

  4. #4


    si ma dove devo inserirli? io la pagina l'ho fatta in html, se la rendo .php visualizzo sempre cio ke ho fatto?

  5. #5


    puoi usare anche SSI, quindi la pagina resta HTML.

    devi semplicemente scrivere
    <!-- #include file="easynews/newsfiles/news.txt" -->
    nel punto dove vuoi mostrare le news (poi il server inserisce in quel punto i dati del file news.txt)

  6. #6


    grazie ho risolto kn un altro script quello ke avevo nn funzionava bene!

    qualkuno mi sa consigliare un ottimo script per le news kon una bella grafica e kon un ottima amministrazione e tante opzioni!

    grazie mille

  7. #7


    prova a cercare tra gli script su puoi anche provarli on-line prima di scaricarli ;) e sono tutti gratuiti ovviamente

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