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Discussione: Richiesta SSL in uscita?

  1. #1
    Data registrazione

    Predefinito Richiesta SSL in uscita?

    Salve.Dovrei usare una pagina per recuperare alcuni dati dal sito Wunderground ma ho riscontrato un problema.Ho notato che altervista non permette di avere la possibilità di utilizzare SSL: // come una richiesta ad un sito esterno e di conseguenza la pagina non riceve nessn dato..Come posso risolvere questo problema?

  2. #2
    karl94 non è connesso Staff AV
    Data registrazione


    Che tipo di richiesta devi effettuare di preciso? Perché non usi semplicemente le funzioni cURL o il protocollo HTTPS direttamente?

  3. #3
    Data registrazione


    Codice PHP:
    = false;
    $Version = "<!-- WU-History-inc.php - Version 3.3 - 4-Mar-2016 -->\r";
    //PHP script by Jim McMurry - [email][/email] -
    //Current version maintained at [url][/url]
    //Version 1.0 February 18, 2008
    // 1.1 February 19, 2008 - Fixed a broken link to WU & added optional selection of other stations.
    // 1.2 February 20, 2008 - Fixed an obscure link bug dealing with the new "other station" option.
    // 1.3 February 22, 2008 - Added option to omit cloud conditions from tabular listing. Fixed solar & rain issue in the summary section.
    // 1.4 February 22, 2008 - Supressed Solar & UV graphs in monthly & longer modes. Supressed current conditions in the summary except when viewing current day.
    // 1.5 February 23, 2008 - Fixed precip error when viewing previous days. Added optional top link in header to return to "today" when off somewhere else.
    // 1.6 February 27, 2008 - Fixed some missing </b> tags that were missing in the English mode that were preventing validation.
    // 1.7 March 25, 2008 - Removed a superfluous <td> tag that caused a failed validation when using the option for multiple stations.
    // 1.8 April, 05, 2008 - added Settings.php awareness to script (K True/ for Carterlake/WD/AJAX/PHP templates.
    // 1.9 April 07, 2008 - Made the tabular data listing optional.
    // 2.0 December 23, 2008 - Fixes bugs in code to determine units output. (Thanks to Jozef (Pinto) for finding those.
    // 2.1 December 23, 2008 - Fixes the modes other than Daily that were affected. (Jozef is now officially a co-author)
    // 2.2 January 31, 2009 - Fixes errors in average wind and some metric rain conversions. (Thanks to Paul Gogan for finding these)
    // 2.3 February 10, 2009 - A better fix to the average wind issue and a variable we can turn off when they fix the problem.
    // 2.4 April 18, 2009 - Changed cm to mm in tabular section when showing units "both" in daily mode. Added Solar to daily tabular data
    // 2.5 April 15, 2010 - Fixed a bug found by Pelle where metric rain wasn't being converted to mm in the summary section
    // 2.6 August 8, 2011 - Chenged the above back to get the rain right again due to problem reported by Oebel
    // 2.7 February 3, 2012 - Put in a check to preclude selecting a future date which was causing problems for Wunderground
    // 2.8 October 10, 2013 - Fixed the spacing on some of the units. Found by Han
    // 2.9 December 1, 2013 - Fixed first of the week/month or other times that there's no data in the csv file. Found by Han
    // 3.0 December 29, 2014 - WU doesn't remove deleted lines, but makes temps -999 so this removes those. Found by Jerry Callahan
    // 3.1 April 28, 2015 - Jachym found - If data is missing WU will usually report -999.9 or -573.3 (that is -999.9 F converted to C....)
    // 3.2 January 28, 2016 - ereg_replace changed to str_replace for PHP 7.0. Thanks Wim
    // 3.3 March 4, 2016 - Changed code for getting WU data. Thanks once again Wim
    //Portions of the code was borrowed from:
    //Weather Underground -
    //Ken True -
    //Tom Chaplin -
    //Kevin Reed -
    //and probably several others.

    //This script retrieves a weather station's raw data from Weather Underground
    //and displays it in a similar way to how they do it on their site.
    //Weather Underground is very willing to share the graphics and data
    //on their site with those who provide weather data to them.
    //In a correspondence with Ken True, John Celenza, Director of Weather
    //Technology at Wunderground stated:

    //"Please feel free to use Wunderground images and data on personal sites,
    //as long as you link those images to Wunderground or give direct credit.
    //Something like 'This image courtesy of Weather Underground' is appropriate."

    //This script does NOT generate a complete HTML page and is intended for use
    //ONLY by being included in an existing webpage on your site by:
    // include("./WU-History.php");

    //You'll also have to place the following in the <head> section of your calling
    // <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./WU-HistoryTan.css" />
    //See the enclosed test file TestHistory.php to see how this is done.

    //If your WU-history files are to be kept in a folder other than where your
    //calling page is, you'll have to adjust the above. As an example,
    //if your calling page is in the root folder of your web site and the WU files
    //have been placed in a folder named /abc/, the paths above would need to be
    // ./abc/
    //If using the optional files below to place information to the right of the
    //summary area, the same path will have to be used with those files as well.
    //Just remember that the paths are always relative to the calling page.

    //The supporting graphics are in the enclosed wuicons folder, and that folder
    //must be placed in the same folder with this script. If you wish the icons
    //elsewhere, just make the appropriate changes in WU-History.css.

    //Optional parameters are normally not necessary, but there are a few available:
    //ID=xxxxxxx should you wish to call it with a different station ID for some reason
    //day=xx for a day other than today
    //month=xx for a month other than this month
    //year=xxxx for a different year
    //There must be a "?" to signal the beginning of the parameters and "&" between items
    //So, if you wished to call it for my station and show last Christmas, you'd use

    //Folks with graphic talent may want to modify the css and create graphics in other
    //colors in order to come up with different color schemes. If you put something
    //together that you'd like to share, please send me copies of the .css and the
    //graphics and I'd be happy to add them to this package for others to use.

    //This script Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!


    //settings ----------------------------- */
    // Special Temporary Setting. In week, month or year modes, Wundergrund is sending Average Wind in mph instead of km/h. Only affects metric users.
    // I'll get the word out if they fix it and you can turn it off.
    $WunderWrong = true;
    $timezone = "Europe/Rome"; // Change to your TZ. Ken True has a list available at [url][/url]
    $WUID = "ICALABRI44"; // Your stations Wunderground ID
    $units = "M"; // Default units which are changeable at runtime. "M" for Metric, "E" for English or "B" for Both
    $birthday = "02-03-2013"; // Stations first day of operation format dd-mm-yyyy. This will determine years on the date selector.
    $gwidth = "500"; // Width of the graph - normally 500
    $gtemp = true; // =true if you want the temperature graph =false if no
    $gpress = true; // =true if baro graph =false if no
    $gwind = true; // =true if wind velocity graph =false if no
    $gwindir = true; // =true if wind direction graph =false if no
    $grain = true; // =true if rain graph =false if no
    $gsolar = true; // =true if solar graph =false if no
    $guv = true; // =true if UV graph =false if no
    $pwidth = "100%"; // The width of the summary and graph portion of the page (% or px). Normally 100%
    // Optional header info
    $header = true; // true if you wish to use it
    $Langtitle = "Station Historical Data"; // The Bold text at the top
    $LcurDay = "Return to Current Day"; // The link back to the current day if off in one of the other modes. "" to disable it.
    // Optional footer bar
    $footer = true; // true if you wish to have the colored footer bar at the bottom
    $LangFtext = "Juneau County Weather"; // Anything you wish or "" for a plain bar
    // Optional content to be placed to the right of the Summary/Graph portion of the page
    $inboxfile = "./top.htm"; // A file of html to be placed in the right outlined box. Make it "" if not using, or just don't have a file available.
    $outboxfile = "./bottom.htm"; // Same but for the area below the right blue box. Paths to the files must be relative to the calling page.

    In attesa di una vostra risposta porgo distinti saluti
    Ultima modifica di karl94 : 03-04-2016 alle ore 23.45.09 Motivo: Formattazione

  4. #4
    Data registrazione


    Questa è la pagina in questione:
    Questa è la risposta del creatore dello script:

    " I see that your real website is on .. they may not have the capability to use ssl:// as a request
    to an external website, so since the request fails, no data is displayed.
    WeatherUnderground switched to using https access and that is what the updated script does.

    Your hoster ( may not support outbound https (ssl) connections .. talk with their tech support to find out.
    If they don't support ssl:// access, then you may have to find a new (likely a paid-for) hoster instead of a free/no-pay hoster."

    Spero di riuscire a risolvere questo problema..Distinti saluti

  5. #5
    Data registrazione


    Questo è il risultato che dovrebbe ottenersi se tutto va bene:

  6. #6
    karl94 non è connesso Staff AV
    Data registrazione


    Come ti ho già scritto è meglio usare le funzioni cURL piuttosto. Il codice che però hai riportato non è completo. Puoi riportare l'indirizzo da cui l'hai scaricato?

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