#regola per tutti i bot (*)
User-agent: *
#autorizza sitemap
Allow: /sitemap.xml
Allow: /index.htm
#autorizza cartelle
Allow: /ip
Allow: /mylocation
Allow: /torcheck
Allow: /maps4
Allow: /reverse
Allow: /logps
Allow: /geolocation
Allow: /london
Disallow: /
# blocca tutti gli altri files e cartelle
Host: gutguy2.altervista.org
#host: per site mirrors - deve essere tassativamente dopo disallow
Crawl-delay: 2
# wait a certain amount of seconds after each time it’s crawled a page on your website
Request-rate: 1/0.5 # load 1 page per half a second
#tell the robot how many pages you want it to crawl within a certain amount of seconds. The first number is pages, and the second number is seconds.
Visit-time: 0300-0800
# only visit between 3AM and 8AM UTC (GMT) (timezone is GMT or UTC)