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Discussione: PHP-posix module

  1. #1

    Predefinito PHP-posix module

    Ho installato in una cartella del mio account in CMS , dopo aver cliccato sul file install.php, mi compare una pagina con 5 indicazioni.

    Prerequisites to Running This Script:
    1. ⨂ allow_url_fopen is currently set to 'Off'. Your PHP configuration must have allow_url_fopen set to "On".

    2. PHP-pspell module is not installed or enabled. It's recommended to install/enable the PHP-pspell module in order for the search spell checker to work, but not required.

    [dovrebbe essere installato dall'admin di Altervista]
    3. ⨂ Warning: PHP-posix module is not installed or enabled. Installation cannot proceed. Please, enable it and try again.
    [idem: dovrebbe essere installato dall'admin di Altervista]

    4. Before proceeding, you must change permissions (chmod) to the following directories and files:

    Chmod the following folders to 777:
    Chmod the following files to 666:

    [tutto verde, quindi non ci sono errori riguardo l'autorizzazione]

    5. Be sure to create a MySQL Database and User before proceeding:

    Site and Database Details:
    Document Root: /var/www/html
    Base Directory: /var/www/html
    MySQL Hostname: localhost
    MySQL Database: my_username
    MySQL Username: username
    MySQL Password:
    Site Name: MYSITE
    Administrator E-mail:

    [Cosa manca riguardo il database?]
    Ultima modifica di megex : 26-03-2012 alle ore 16.09.01

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