Ciao a tutti, sto realizzando uno script per uplodare più facilmente molte immagini su con una classe trovata su internet, ma evidentemente non funziona! xD
Sto seguendo questo esempio... ho scaricato naturalmente il file richiesto.
Codice PHP:
<h1>Upload to</h1>
if(isset($_POST["invia"])) {
$img = $_POST["img"];
* Uploading image to and retrieve the image's URL
include 'phpWebHacks.php';
$h = new phpWebHacks;
/* */
/* get the hidden fields */
$form = $h->parseForm('uploadForm', &$action);
/* filetype = image, resize = default */
$form['file_type'] = 'image';
$form['dimension'] = '1600';
/* 'browse' the image to upload */
$file = "";
foreach($img as $id=>$url) {
$file[$id] = array("the_url" => "{$url}");
/* submit */
$page = $h->post($action, $form, $file);
/* It will show a 'click here to view the image' page
and then redirects using javascript.
Since javascript is not supported, we need to manually
parse the URL */
preg_match('/<a\s+href\s*=\s*"(.+)".*>/iU', $page, $url);
/* get the result page */
$page = $h->get($url[1]);
/* here is your URL */
preg_match('/\[IMG\](.+)\[\/IMG\]/si', $page, $m);
echo 'Direct link: ' . $m[1]."<br />";
else {
<form method="POST">
$max = 4;
for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) {
echo "<p><input type=\"text\" name=\"img[]\" size=\"60\" /></p>\n";
<p><input type="submit" name="invia" value=" ... carica tutto ... " /></p>
<? } ?>
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in C:\Programmi\AppServ\www\tinypic\index.php on line 19
Warning: fopen(.log/headers.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Programmi\AppServ\www\tinypic\phpWebHacks.php on line 69
Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Programmi\AppServ\www\tinypic\phpWebHacks.php on line 70
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Programmi\AppServ\www\tinypic\phpWebHacks.php on line 71
Grazie mille. Ciao, Davide! ^^"