Ho installato PHPnuke 6.8
Ho installato il modulo GPxSite, quando lo avvio mi da' il seguente errore
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /membri/fabbry/modules/GPxSite/OODBObject.php on line 23
qualche buona anima mi sa dire qualcosa a proposito
Per ulteriori informazioni il modulo necessita dei seguenti requisiti:
- An i386 compatible Linux system with an HTTP server with PHP4 (With PEAR or you'll get errors about missing DB.php.) support and access to an RDBMS. I used Redhat 7.2 with Apache, PHP 4.0.6 and MySQL (aka LAMP).
- PHP-Nuke. I used version 5.3.1 and 5.4.
- Hofxlap for Linux. You can obtain this software ONLY from the official website.
- GPxSite (of cource)
Ciao e grazie