Codice PHP:
NAME: initARC()
In your main HTML body use onLoad() to call initARC(), passing in the form id
and on/off class names you wish to use to customise your radio buttons.
e.g. <body onLoad="initARC('myform','radioOn', 'radioOff');">
formId - The ID of the form you wish to customise
onClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's on style
offClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's off style
function initARC(formId,onClassRadio,offClassRadio,onClassCheckbox,offClassCheckbox) {
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); = ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));
this.ie3 = ( && (this.major < 4));
this.ie4 = ( && (this.major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 4")!=-1) );
this.iemac = ( && (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1));
if( !(this.iemac || ie3 || ie4) ){
function addLabelProperties(f){
if(typeof f.getElementsByTagName == 'undefined') return;
var labels = f.getElementsByTagName("label"), label, elem, i = j = 0;
while (label = labels[i++]){
if(typeof label.htmlFor == 'undefined') return;
elem = document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);
//elem = f.elements[label.htmlFor]; /* old method */
if(typeof elem == 'undefined'){
//no label defined, find first sub-input
var inputs = label.getElementsByTagName("input");
} else {
} else if(typeof elem.label != 'undefined') { // label property already added
} else if(typeof elem.length != 'undefined' && elem.length > 1 && elem.nodeName != 'SELECT'){
for(j=0; j<elem.length; j++){
elem.item(j).label = label;
elem.label = label;
NAME: toggleLabelStyle()
ARC currently assumes that the label contains a FOR='id' in it's HTML. The other
valid form of a label is <label>text <input /></label> - while it is possible
to modify this code to allow for this form I have left this as an exercise for
the reader.
formId - Parent form of this label
label - The label for a radio button we wish to toggle
onClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's on style
offClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's off style
function toggleLabelStyle(formId, label, onClass, offClass){
if(!document.getElementById || !label) return;
var form = document.getElementById(formId); //label.form;
if(!form) return;
if(label.htmlFor) {
var e = document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);
e.label.className = (e.label.className==onClass) ? offClass : onClass;
e.checked = (e.label.className==onClass);
} else if(e.type=="radio"){
var radioGroup = form.elements[];
if(!radioGroup) return;
for(var i=0; i<radioGroup.length; i++){
radioGroup[i].label.className = ((radioGroup[i].checked=(radioGroup[i].id ==
&& radioGroup[i].label) ? onClass : offClass;
NAME: customiseInputs()
This function does all the magic. It finds the <input>'s within the passed form
and attaches a .label reference to the element, and also adds an onClick
function to that label to the toggleLabelStyle() function.
It hides all radio elements from the form and mirrors the startup checked values
in the label's customised radio button styles.
Called from initARC()
formId - The form we're customising
onClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's on style
offClass - The CSS class name for the radio button's off style
function customiseInputs(formId, onClassRadio, offClassRadio, onClassCheckbox, offClassCheckbox) {
if(!document.getElementById) return;
var prettyForm = document.getElementById(formId);
if(!prettyForm) return;
prettyForm.onreset = function() { customiseInputs(formId, onClassRadio, offClassRadio, onClassCheckbox, offClassCheckbox); }
var inputs = prettyForm.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
/* NB: Yeah, i know this code is duplicated - I can't figure out how to create a local, persistent
variable within the anonymous function calls. Fix it if you can, and let me know. */
if( (inputs[i].type=="radio") && inputs[i].label && onClassRadio && offClassRadio){
//hide element
inputs[i].style.position="absolute"; inputs[i].style.left = "-1000px";
//initialise element
//when the label is clicked, call toggleLabelStyle and toggle the label
inputs[i].label.onclick = function (){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, this, onClassRadio, offClassRadio); return false; };
//enable keyboard navigation
inputs[i].onclick = function (){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, this.label, onClassRadio, offClassRadio); };
//if the radio was checked by default, change this label's style to checked
if(inputs[i].defaultChecked || inputs[i].checked){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, inputs[i].label, onClassRadio, offClassRadio); }
if( (inputs[i].type=="checkbox") && inputs[i].label && onClassCheckbox && offClassCheckbox){
//hide element
inputs[i].style.position="absolute"; inputs[i].style.left = "-1000px";
//initialise element
inputs[i].checked = false;
//when the label is clicked, call toggleLabelStyle and toggle the label
inputs[i].label.onclick = function (){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, this, onClassCheckbox, offClassCheckbox); return false; };
//enable keyboard navigation
inputs[i].onclick = function (){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, this.label, onClassCheckbox, offClassCheckbox); };
//if the radio was checked by default, change this label's style to checked
if(inputs[i].defaultChecked || inputs[i].checked){ toggleLabelStyle(formId, inputs[i].label, onClassCheckbox, offClassCheckbox); }
if( (inputs[i].type=="checkbox") || (inputs[i].type=="radio") && inputs[i].label ){
//Attach keyboard navigation
if(!{ //IE has problems with this method
//You could set these to grab a passed in class name if you wanted to
//do something a bit more interesting for keyboard states. But for now the
//generic dotted outline will do for most elements.
inputs[i] = "1px";
inputs[i].onfocus = function (){ = "1px dotted #333";"0px"; return false; };
inputs[i].onblur = function (){ = "none";"1px"; return false; };
Qua c'è l' anteprima: