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Discussione: BBC email in php and newsletter integration

  1. #1

    Predefinito BBC email in php and newsletter integration

    Dear support,

    related to my previous thread I would like to ask a simple question.

    In order to limit the number of mails delivered from my account on altervista server i decided to use once per day only one mail(..,..,..,$headers) php command specifing in the $headers variable = "BCC ... comma separated list of emails" the list of all the desired emails.
    This email will be considered as one mail (so the problem with the block of the sending functionality wll be solved) or not?Does Altervista tread it as one mail or multiple e-mail, sending them one by one (3 every seconds)?
    Or it will send only the first emails that fit the limitation of 3mail/esec and stop sending all the others?

    I understood that the newsletter is better to manage more and more email but is there a way to interface a php script with the altervista newsletter. If I have email adresses in one txt file and the digest message in another, would it be possible to combine them and tell the altervista newsletter functionality to send the digest to all the desired emails in the txt file?

    thanks again for your support


  2. #2
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