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Discussione: [drupal] ricevo errore Unable to select database durante installazione

  1. #1

    Predefinito [drupal] ricevo errore Unable to select database durante installazione

    perche' sia x la vers 4 e 5 mi da l errore

    Unable to select database

    We were able to connect to the MySQL database server (which means your username and password are okay) but not able to select the database.

    The MySQL error was: Access denied for user 'animissime'@'localhost' to database 'databasename'.

    Currently, the database is databasename. The username is username and the database server is localhost.

    * Are you sure you have the correct database name?
    * Are you sure the database exists?
    * Are you sure the username has permission to access the database?

    For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

  2. #2
    L'avatar di seneca
    seneca non č connesso Super Moderatore
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    Perchč il database non si chiama databasename. Controlla nel tuo pannello i dati di connessione.

    -- Aut Roma Aut Nihil!

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