Ho hostato tutti i file, faccio sito/install/install.php e parte l'installer...
già alla prima pagina mi si presenta questo errori tra tanti ok:
../backup Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../cache Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_attempt_counter.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_blocklist.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_debug_mode.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_malformed_logins.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_spammer.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../ctracker/logfiles/logfile_worms.txt Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../downloads Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/album Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/album/cache Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/album/jupload Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/album/med_cache Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/album/wm_cache Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/posted_images Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../files/thumbs Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../images/avatars Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../logs Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../pafiledb/uploads Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../pafiledb/cache Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../pafiledb/cache/templates Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../pafiledb/cache/templates/ca_aphrodite Error This File/Folder doesn't exist, please upload it and apply the correct CHMOD permissions.
../pafiledb/cache/templates/mg_themes Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
../pafiledb/images/screenshots Ok This File/Folder exists and its permissions have been applied correctly.
ma nn mi preocupo e vado avanti... mi chiede questo cose.. e lo riempio così:
Admin Configuration
Choose your installation method: install(c'è solo quella di scelta nel menu a tendina)
Administrator Username: Blacksimo
Administrator Password: *******
Administrator Password [ Confirm ]: *******
Admin Email Address: .......
Domain Name: The Italian Job
Server Port: 80 (di preconfigurazione)
Script path: / (anche questo come sopra)
Fin non credo ci siano problemi...
Database Configuration
Database Configuration
Database Type: MySQL 4.x/5.x (c'è anche l'opzione MySQL 3.x, ma nn credo sia quella!! ditemi se sbaglio...)
Database Server Hostname / DSN: localhost
Your Database Name: theitalianjobRP
Database Username: my_theitalianjobRP
Database Password: ******
Prefix for tables in database: ip_ (di configurazione)
faccio continue installation ed ecco cosa mi dice:
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /membri/theitalianjobrp/includes/db/mysql4.php on line 683
Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /membri/theitalianjobrp/includes/db/mysql4.php on line 684
Critical Error
Could not connect to the database
cos'è che sbaglio??