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Discussione: dolphin community?

  1. #1

    Predefinito dolphin community?

    gentili amministratori di altervista,
    mi chiedevo se il vostro hosting gratuito potrebbe supportare questo software gratuito:?

    Make sure your server meets all the technical requirements ¶

    SmartPro requires the following pre-requisites for your server:

    * Dedicated or VPS server with SSH superuser account (necessary for RMS installation )

    * Operating System: Linux/Unix (Red Hat, Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, etc.) or Windows OS with Apache Web Server, MySQL and PHP (WAMP)

    * 1935, 1936 and 5080 ports should be open (necessary to access RMS from outside your server)

    * Apache 1.3 Web Server with "mod_rewrite" module installed

    * JRE 1.6 (Java Runtime Environment) (necessary to run RMS)

    * PHP 4.4.0/5.1.0 and higher (safe_mode must be Off and exec() must be allowed) with mbstring, domxml and xsl extensions (they are required to run Orca forum and support UTF-8)

    * MySQL 4.1.2 and higher

    * GD library compiled with TrueType fonts (for photo processing) or ImageMagick as an alternative

    * interface for setting Cron Jobs (Shell access: crontab (SSH) or other access to set Cron Jobs (CPanel, Plesk) for Linux platforms

    * Flash Player 8 or higher (required to run Ray widgets)

    * access to mysql console under shell interface (necessary to install ZIP Codes)

    * 20Mb of space and 500K of MySQL DB space for installation

    * 8MB of disk space and 50KB of MySQL DB space for an average user
    Ultima modifica di tradedoubler : 11-05-2008 alle ore 11.22.57

  2. #2


    Perchč non dovrebbe supportarlo?


  3. #3


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da debug Visualizza messaggio
    Perchč non dovrebbe supportarlo?

    quindi mi garantisci che il hosting di altervista č compatibile con dolphin?

  4. #4


    Bč, ora che hai editato il post, ti posso dire che alcune caratteristiche richieste non sono disponibili.


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