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Discussione: [phpbb]messa la shoutbox, ma mi è scomparso il resto del forum sotto di essa

  1. #1

    Predefinito [phpbb]messa la shoutbox, ma mi è scomparso il resto del forum sotto di essa

    ragazzi, ancora un aiuto..seguendo le guide trovate una discussione qui, ho messo la shoutbox, ma il forum al di sotto è scomparso..come mai?

  2. #2
    L'avatar di lupo91
    lupo91 non è connesso Utente attivo
    Data registrazione


    magari hai sbagliato inserendo il codice.

  3. #3


    ecco il il codice di richiamo l'ho messo alla fine del file overall_header e scompare tutto sotto..

  4. #4
    L'avatar di funcool
    funcool non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione
    Qui... Non lì, qui!


    Io vedo tutto il forum.
    Mattia vi manda a FunCool - Matriz - Directory Gogol - Sfondo rosso per la Birmania
    «Tu mi dai fastidio perché ti credi tanto un Dio!» «Bè, dovrò pur prendere un modello a cui ispirarmi, no?» Woody Allen

  5. #5


    si perchè l'ho ripristinato, togliendo avviamente la tag, ma quando la metto puf scompare tutto..

  6. #6
    L'avatar di silverseraph
    silverseraph non è connesso AlterGuru
    Data registrazione


    sarà qualche tag che apri ma non chiudi

  7. #7


    ricontrolla tutte le modifiche che hai fatto e controlla in particolare la sintassi del php; anche una sola chiusura di un tag non inserita ti sballa tutto

  8. #8


    ecco io ci ho rinunciato su quella..anche perchè era poco elaborata però ho scaricato questa che posso anche gestire da admin o mod (visualizza anche gli ip):

    le istruzioni sono queste:
    ## MOD Title:          Small ShoutBox
    ## MOD Version:        1.4
    ## MOD Author:         Przemo
    ## Author email:
    ## Author Website
    ## MOD Description:    
    ## Full configurable Shoutbox on main index or another page.
    ## It allow you to change options via Admin Panel like:
    ## - Allow users or moderators to edit/delete messages
    ## - Allow you to decide who can shout
    ## - Allow you to decide who can view ShoutBox
    ## - Enable bbcode (only: b, i, u)
    ## - Enable smilies
    ## - Enable make links
    ## - Disable Shoutbox
    ## - Enable username link profile
    ## - Shoutbox avaliable for guests
    ## - Shoutbox only visible for guests
    ## - Type number of viewed messages
    ## - Max messages letters 
    ## - Max word letters to protect against horizontal scrolling
    ## - Enable date before messages
    ## - Customize date format
    ## - Customize Shoutbox size
    ## - Protect against flooding (board config flood control)
    ## - User can hide/show self Shoutbox (cookies)
    ## Tested on phpBB2.0.3 and 2.0.4
    ## Installation Level: easy
    ## Installation Time:  ~5 Minutes
    ## Files To Edit:       admin/admin_db_utilities.php
    ##				includes/constants.php
    ##				language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
    ##				language/lang_english/lang_main.php
    ##				templates/index_body.tpl
    ##				common.php
    ##				index.php
    ## Included Files:      admin/admin_shoutbox.php
    ##				templates/style/admin/shoutbox_config_body.tpl
    ##				templates/style/shoutbox_send_body.tpl
    ##				templates/style/shoutbox_view_body.tpl
    ##				shoutbox.php
    ##				shoutbox_body.php
    ##				shoutbox_send.php
    ##				shoutbox_view.php
    ## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
    ## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
    ## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
    ## in our MOD-Database, located at:
    ## Note: If you use ShoutBox for not subSilver style change the line:
    ## <link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/subSilver/subSilver.css" type="text/css" />
    ## for your css file it is located in the shoutbox_send_body.tpl and shoutbox_view_body.tpl
    ## MOD History:
    ##   1.0 (07-07-03)
    ##     - Initial Release.
    ##   1.1 (16-07-03)
    ##	 - Fix encoding problem.
    ##	 - Add messages delete days
    ##   1.2 (22-07-03)
    ##	 - Add set message time delete
    ##	 - Fix important installation instruction (bug in the information
    ##	   about inserts lines into lang_main.php)
    ##   1.3, 1.4 (23-10-03)
    ##       - Fix few bugs
    ## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
    #-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------
    admin/admin_shoutbox.php to /admin/admin_shoutbox.php
    templates/subSilver/admin/shoutbox_config_body.tpl to /templates/subSilver/admin/shoutbox_config_body.tpl
    templates/subSilver/shoutbox_send_body.tpl to /templates/style/shoutbox_send_body.tpl
    templates/subSilver/shoutbox_view_body.tpl to /templates/style/shoutbox_view_body.tpl
    shoutbox.php to /shoutbox.php	
    shoutbox_body.php to /shoutbox_body.php
    shoutbox_send.php to /shoutbox_send.php
    shoutbox_view.php to /shoutbox_view.php
    Upload and run as forum admin: db_install.php
    or insert it manually:
    #-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------
    CREATE TABLE phpbb_shoutbox (
      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      sb_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,
      msg varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      timestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
      sb_username varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (id)
    CREATE TABLE phpbb_shoutbox_config ( 
        config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, 
        config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL, 
        PRIMARY KEY (config_name)
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_guest_view','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_guest','0');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_delete_all','0');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_delete','0');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_edit_all','0');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_edit','0');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_bbcode','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_smilies','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('links_names','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('make_links','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('count_msg','100');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('delete_days','30');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('text_lenght','500');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('word_lenght','90');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('date_format','D G:i');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('date_on','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('shoutbox_on','1');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('shout_width','630');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('shout_height','130');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('banned_user_id','');
    INSERT INTO phpbb_shoutbox_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('banned_user_id_view','');
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    			$tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'config', 'disallow', 'forums', 'forum_prune', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'search_results', 'search_wordlist', 'search_wordmatch', 'sessions', 'smilies', 'themes', 'themes_name', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words');
    #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
    			$tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'config', 'disallow', 'forums', 'forum_prune', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'search_results', 'search_wordlist', 'search_wordmatch', 'sessions', 'smilies', 'themes', 'themes_name', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words', 'shoutbox', 'shoutbox_config');
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    define('CONFIG_TABLE', $table_prefix.'config');
    #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    // Shoutbox mod
    define('SHOUTBOX_CONFIG_TABLE', $table_prefix.'shoutbox_config');
    define('SHOUTBOX_TABLE', $table_prefix.'shoutbox');
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    // That's all Folks!
    #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    // Shoutbox mod
    $lang['shoutbox_on'] = "ShoutBox on";
    $lang['date_on'] = "Show date";
    $lang['sb_make_links'] = "Make links";
    $lang['sb_links_names'] = "Username link to profile";
    $lang['sb_allow_edit'] = "Allow administrators and moderators to edit messages";
    $lang['sb_allow_edit_all'] = "Allow to edit own messages";
    $lang['sb_allow_delete'] = "Allow administrators and moderators to delete messages";
    $lang['sb_allow_delete_all'] = "Allow to delete own messages";
    $lang['sb_allow_guest'] = "Shoutbox avaliable for guests";
    $lang['sb_allow_guest_view'] = "Shoutbox only visible for guests";
    $lang['sb_count_msg'] = "Number of viewed messages";
    $lang['delete_days'] = "Amount of days after messages will be deleted";
    $lang['sb_text_lenght'] = "Max messages letters";
    $lang['sb_word_lenght'] = "Max word letters";
    $lang['setup_shoutbox'] = "Shoutbox Configuration";
    $lang['shout_size'] = "ShoutBox size";
    $lang['sb_banned_send'] = "Disallow send messages for user";
    $lang['sb_banned_send_e'] = "User IDs of users who can't send messages to ShoutBox. Separate multiple user IDs with commas, for example: <b>18, 124</b>";
    $lang['sb_banned_view'] = "Disallow ShoutBox for user";
    $lang['sb_banned_view_e'] = "User IDs of users who can't view and use ShoutBox. Separate multiple user IDs with commas, for example: <b>18, 124</b>";
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    // That's all, Folks!
    Ultima modifica di funcool : 09-02-2007 alle ore 13.35.19

  9. #9


    #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    // Shoutbox mod
    $lang['gg_mes'] = 'Message';
    $lang['login_to_shoutcast'] = "You must be logged in to use shoutbox";
    $lang['sb_show'] = "show";
    $lang['sb_hide'] = "SB hide";
    $lang['sb_hide_done'] = "Done";
    $lang['too_long_word'] = "Too long word";
    $lang['sb_banned_send'] = "You can't send messages";
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    	<td><span class="gensmall">{L_FORUM_LOCKED}</span></td>
    # Or last </table> or you can choose another place for put shoutbox
    #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    $board_config = array();
    #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    // Shoutbox mod
    $shoutbox_config = array();
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    	$board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
    #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    // Shoutbox mod
    $sql = "SELECT *
    if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
    	  message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not query shoutbox config information", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
    while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
    	$shoutbox_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
    #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
    #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    		'TOTAL_POSTS' => sprintf($l_total_post_s, $total_posts),
    #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
    	// Shoutbox mod
    	$shoutbox_config['banned_user_id_view'] = $GLOBALS['shoutbox_config']['banned_user_id_view'];
    	if( strstr($shoutbox_config['banned_user_id_view'], ',') )
    		$fids = explode(',', $shoutbox_config['banned_user_id_view']);
    	while( list($foo, $id) = each($fids) )
    			$fid[] = intval( trim($id) );
    		$fid[] = intval( trim($shoutbox_config['banned_user_id_view']) );
    	if ( $shoutbox_config['shoutbox_on'] && in_array($userdata['user_id'], $fid) == false )
    		include($phpbb_root_path . 'shoutbox_body.'.$phpEx);
    #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
    # EoM
    mi date una mano gentilmente?
    Ultima modifica di funcool : 09-02-2007 alle ore 13.35.44

  10. #10
    L'avatar di funcool
    funcool non è connesso Utente storico
    Data registrazione
    Qui... Non lì, qui!


    Cosa non riesci a fare?
    Mattia vi manda a FunCool - Matriz - Directory Gogol - Sfondo rosso per la Birmania
    «Tu mi dai fastidio perché ti credi tanto un Dio!» «Bè, dovrò pur prendere un modello a cui ispirarmi, no?» Woody Allen

Regole di scrittura

  • Non puoi creare nuove discussioni
  • Non puoi rispondere ai messaggi
  • Non puoi inserire allegati.
  • Non puoi modificare i tuoi messaggi