Posto il contenuto del file setting.php nella speranza possa essere d'aiuto
$sqlhost = "localhost";
$sqluser = "root";
$sqlpass = "password";
$sqldb = "mydb";
$r_ucomments = "r_ucomments"; // user comments
$r_picuploads = "r_picuploads";
$r_banip ="r_banip";
$r_catagory = "r_catagory";
$r_links = "r_links";
$r_messages = "r_messages";
$r_users = "r_users";
$r_usersonline = "usersOnline";
$r_faq = "r_faq";
/* PATHS */
$mainurl = "/rateapic/";
$thumbType = "0"; // 0 = GD, 1 = ImagageMagic
$thumbdir = "thumb"; // short path
$imagedir = "uploads"; // short path
$fullpathuploads = "/var/www/html/rateapic/uploads";
$fullpaththumb = "/var/www/html/rateapic/thumb";
$theme = "templates/default";
$adminpassword = "password";
$notifyAdmin ="1"; // 0 = off, 1 = on when new photo submitted
$preapprove ="0"; // 0 = admin approves first = everything approved
$showvotes = "1"; // 0 = off, 1 = on vote tracking on and off.
$maxupSize = "900000"; // maximum upload size in bytes
$new_w = "320"; // thumbnail width after upload.
$maxupWidth = "1024"; // maximum width of pic to accept
$maxupHeight = "768"; // maximum height of pic to accept
$maxvotes="30"; // if showvotes off, ignore.
$maxcomments ="3"; // max comments to show before displaying more
$maxlinks = "10"; // max links to show before displaying more
$maxfaq = "4"; // maximum faq questions to display before the more.
$infoText="Simply rate each picture by clicking on the themometer and we'll advance you to the next available entry. If you would like to submit your own photo, click on the signup and we'll do the rest.";
/* Customize what <:INFOTEXT:> displays on each page.
By default, main page is default to what infoText is set for.
However, you can customize each one. Just make sure what ever
you supply, make sure it's not blank, else the formatting may not
look correct.
$JoininfoText="After filling out the form below, we'll email you your user name and password.";
$AboutinfoText = $infoText;
$FaqinfoText = $infoText;
$UploadinfoText = $infoText;
$aftervote =""; // not recommend to use. Ignore this and keep it blank.
$mailadmin = "youremail";
$sitetitle = "RateApic"; // used when emailing users
$sitename = ""; // used for page title in browswer.
$siteurl =""; //With trailing slash!!
$mailname = "RateApic";
$msgText = "<html><head><title>$sitename</title></head>
<body style=\"margin:8px 9px 9px 12px\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">
<font face=\"Verdana,Arial\" size=\"2\">
You're receiving this message because you recently signed up for a username and password on <a href=\"$siteurl\">$sitetitle</a>. We want to personally thank you for taking the time for contributing to our site. You're username and password is listed below. After signing in, please make sure to change your password by clicking on the <i>Your Profile</i> option after logging in. At anytime, you can change a number of options including your email address and things of that nature.
$footer = "(c) 2002 phpRateApic";