Ciao ragazzi.
Ho da poco scaricato la chat flash "zz:flashchat2".
Ho inviato i file al server altervista(mio spazio) ma non riesco a capire na cosa.
Per falrla funzionare mi occorre sapere una cosa(vi evidenzio di rosso quello che non capisco).
DEFINITION: ZZ:FlashChat is a simple MySQL-based Chat Program with Flash-Interface.
The advantage of using flash is that no annoying page refreshes are required for it to work.
FlashChat is a combination of Flash, PHP and MySQL.
For installation you must have webspace with PHP and a MySQL Database.
The client needs the Flash-Plugin (almost 98% have).
ZZ:FlashChat was designed for easy installation, easy use and especially easy customization.
To install ZZ:FlashChat:
[1] Unzip
[2] Open the file 'inc-config.php' in the directory 'chat / inc' of FlashChat and define the MySQL servername, username, password and database name (further infomation is in the file) ! Save 'inc-config.php' !
[3] Copy all the files in the folder 'chat' to a folder of your webspace where you want to install FlashChat in.
[4] Copy the file 'installation.php' to the directory on your webspace chosen in [2] !
(for orientation: Inside this directory there are: 'chat.php', 'index.php', etc. and the folder 'chat' )
Follow the instructions shown !
ATTENTION: Don't forget to delete this file after installation, if it is not automatically deleted !
manual installation of MySQL-tables: (if you don't want to use 'installation.php')
Start PHPMyAdmin and select the database you want to create the FlashChat Tables in,
go to 'Run SQL query/queries on database', select at 'Location of the textfile' the file 'install.sql' and click OK to create the two tables: 'zz_user' and 'zz_messages'.
UPDATE: If you want to update ZZ:FlashChat to version 2 you have to open the 'install.sql' in a texteditor and uncomment two lines at the top of the file.
Further explanation is in the file.
Change your Admin-Password immediately after installation, so no one can abuse it !
(the default values are: AdminName: zzname | AdminPassword: zzpas)
Your MySQL Database Where you want to store the FlashChat Tables
Io non conosco nulla di sta cosa...chi mi puo aiutare?(spero di essermi espresso bene)
Visto che il tuo sito si chiama phpbb avrà sicuramente un database attivato, altrimenti attivato. Nelle richieste in rosso devi mettere il nome del tuo database: my_phpbb2006
oh dio!Diciamo che mi sono iscritto su altervista...messo la classe 2 e inviato i file...
Cmq ho messo "my_phpbb2006" .... ma al momento che vado nella cartella admin e mi cerco di loggare mi idce: your logindata is invalid.