Oggi ricontrollando lo stato della site map ke avevo inviato a google,ho notato un link ke prima nn c'era,cliccando mi porta ad una pagina dove dice questo:
Verify Site: http://comesonooo.altervista.org/web/ 

Google has crawled your site http://comesonooo.altervista.org/web/ and would like to show you some results. However, in order to make sure we don't expose private information about your site to others, we need to verify your ownership. 

Create a verification file 
Create an empty file named (nomepaginasuggeritamidagoogle.html) . This file uniquely identifies you for Google. You can create this file in any text editor. The file should be empty, since we are only checking that it exists at the same location as your Sitemap and we aren't going to read the contents. You can read more about this file here. 

Upload the verification file 
Once you have created the verification file, place it on your server at http://comesonooo.altervista.org/web/

Che devo fare?