Sto provando ad installare un CMS per gestire un sito di dating...ho uplodato tutto correttamente su altervista e ho provato ad installarlo ma quando arrivo al passaggio 5 dove dovrebbe creare le tabella mi da questo errore:
Writing installation parameters to config.php file... Done
Creating new tables...
Creating table : osdate_admin ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_admin_permissions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_adminemails ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_aff_referals ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_affiliates ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_articles ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_banners ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_blog_comments ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_blog_preferences ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_blog_story ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_blog_vote ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_buddy_ban_list ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_calendars ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_calendarevents ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_calendarwatchevents ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_cities ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_counties ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_countries ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_featured_profiles ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_glblsettings ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_imported_users ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_import_questions_xref ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_instant_message ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_languages ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_letters ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_log ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_mailbox ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_membership ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_news ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_onlineusers ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_pages ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_payment_config ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_payment_modules ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_plugin ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_plugin_access ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_plugin_config ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_plugin_tables ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_pollips ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_polloptions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_polls ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_poll_answer ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_poll_option ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_poll_question ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_promo ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_promo_used ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_questionoptions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_questions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_ratings ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_sections ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_shoutbox ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_states ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_stories ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_transactions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_user ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_user_watched_profiles ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_user_actions ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_useralbums ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_user_choices ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_userpreference ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_userrating ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_usersearches ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_usersnaps ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_usertemplates ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_uservideos ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_views_winks ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_zips ... Failed
Creating table : osdate_mails ... Failed
Process to create tables in the database failed. It could be because of incompatible type or insufficient space. If any tables are created, drop those tables. Please check and restart installation process
Qualcuno sa aiutarmi?? Grazie inanticipo!! :D