Someone help, please!
RE: website: http://ercoleguidi.altervista.org, hosted on Altervista.
Please help!
Here is the sequence of events:
January 31, 2017, adsense-noreply@google.com email: “Welcome to AdSense. Your application has been successfully reviewed (...)
February 3d, 2017, identical adsense-noreply@google.com email: “Welcome to AdSense. Your application has been successfully reviewed (...)
February 4, 2017, adsense-noreply@google.com email: Great news! Ads are now live on your site. No ads ever showed.
Then, on my AdSense account page, there appeared:
“Thank you for your continued interest in AdSense. Unfortunately, we were unable to approve your initial application. To resubmit your application, complete the fields below.
For your application to be successful, make sure you've resolved the issues described in the disapproval email we sent you:
• If your application was disapproved because it matches a currently approved AdSense account, then you must close your other account before you reapply.
• If your application was disapproved because your site doesn't follow the AdSense program policies, then you must fix the issues with your site before you reapply.
As I never did receive any disapproval email, I clicked on the “click and continue” button. “We’re working on connecting your site...” appeared.
February 9, 2017, adsense-noreply@google.com email: “Welcome to AdSense. Your application has been successfully reviewed (...)
Please Note: on my Altervista Control Panel, the account now appears as fully activated, but no ads ever showed.
February 9, 2017, the disapproval screen again appeared on my AdSense account page, and again I clicked on the “click and continue” button as I never received any disapproval email.
I beg someone at Altervista (I sent this feedback to AdSense, but no one got back to me) to look into this matter and advise me as to what I should do to get ads working, as I feel caught up in a perverse loop.
My website http:/ercoleguidi.altervista.org offers free English-Italian-English literary translations in a Parallel Texts format. Last months statistics from Altervista control panel: Visitors: 10,065; Pageviews: 35,504; Visitors average: 325; Pageviews average: 1,145.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Ercole Guidi from Canada